Sunday, March 8, 2009

the phenominal women

The Phenominal women

You got all excited to tell me about your writing about your learnings. The same excitment a young student has you shared at your age. The excitment in your eyes lit my insides up like a christmas tree. i can't remember the last time you smiled that way. Your smile was big and bright your eyes were filled with hope and energy. You have a new path a new set of goals and hopes. These hopes are the dreams that fill your mind both day and night. These same dreams I have drempt for you are now closer to reality. My rebirth came at 24 when I awoke and yours a tad bit later at anyevent you are reborn again. Within your mind you body and soul your thoughts have changed have matured and have become so great you can taste them. Your fizzle at the mouth when You see the positive results in your work.Steps are slowly turning into leaps and bounds. Your learning there are no limits and although coloring outside the lines is dangerous in life taking risks is not. Dreaming at any age becomes a reality. You have read the Phenominal women and now you awaken to learn that she is you and you are her. That there are no boundries on dreams and goals. The only boundries are the ones you create for yourself! I have a twinkle in my eye to see you grow i have never been so proud

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