Thursday, March 26, 2009

blackout march 27th

This Saturday they are requesting the whole world go without power for 1 hour to give back to the earth!! I think its a great idea to show how many people are being conciencious about what is going on. I am a little scared though the Black out didn't have such great results back in the day .

Although this is preplanned Im curious to see just how much of NYC will actually be powered off...
Are they going to turn off Time Square? The subway?? I can assure you most merchants aren't going to close their doors early...... are they???

The country in someways seems more united then ever since we are all feeling the same pinches. The news just dissapoints time and time again as I watch and listen to these bastards that want Obama to walk on water. They gave George Bush 8 years to mess everything up. They have given Obama 66 days and all they are is skeptikal. Im not! This country has had many lows before lower then this and will come out of this just the way we have in the past! Im staying optomistic and positive!! For once I am trying to follow these debates and issues and for once I can almost understand! Give it time

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