Sunday, October 17, 2010

sometimes i have to stop and pinch myself! I just never dreamed I would be so lucky in life. We always as children dream these big dreams of wants and needs like jobs and material objects but we don't often say when I grow up I wanna feel safe and secure.
Often times we take for grante the smiles and laughs we share but bitch and moan when sadness occurs. We are not always thankful for the positive but cant stop complaining at the nagative.

We all set different goals and wants in life and although not always 100% satisfied everyone around me has it pretty damn good. I know it because i have it amazing. I've loved my job here in NYC and made some really A+ friends. and my older friends havn't left me out to dry either. I just am smiling knowing i picked the best of the bunch and I enjoy my time laughing till i can't breathe, smiling so hard my face hurts and spending our last few pennies on each other. xoxox

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

hebron plantation

Once again adidas has proven to give me an experience I had not earlier imagined. I have been in Florence Kentuky for the last 7 days. living out of a suitcase rocking nothing but 3 stripes at the Hebron tent sale.

When I say we have been doing work I'm hoping that the emphasis of work really comes acorss. Our team of selected employees from across the country came together to put on a 3 days sale and gross over 1 million dollars. It was amazing totally amazing.
Tuesday we flew in ate dinner and introduced ourselves to our new adifamilia. Wed at 8:30 am in 50 degree weather we reported and began unloading 10 trucks worth of merchandise. Finally when Thursday night rolled around after 2 12 hour days we got it all together.

Friday morning people camped out from 4 am to shop the adidas bargains of sneakers, athletic apparel and smiles on kids faces were priceless. The people of Hebron love us and we have grown to love each other.

This company has proven to change people into the better by offering them different situations. I came in alone and ready to work I'm leaving tired well feed and with a few new vaction spots to visit my new friends. We eat like kings every day and night we laugh we joke we have drinks and swim together. As much as I have been dying to get back to NYC and be with my crew. I am going to miss my new adi-friends from HEEEbbronnnn

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

only female in my crew

I didn't plan it but i happened again the energy is crazy in adidas. i always felt like my Miami crew was so golden and they totally are nothing ever changed. People i meat there will be in my life forever.

But i totally have met some great people in my new store and we have a great vibe together. I've been lucky to share some great events stories and laughs with them. Even some tears.