Sunday, October 17, 2010

sometimes i have to stop and pinch myself! I just never dreamed I would be so lucky in life. We always as children dream these big dreams of wants and needs like jobs and material objects but we don't often say when I grow up I wanna feel safe and secure.
Often times we take for grante the smiles and laughs we share but bitch and moan when sadness occurs. We are not always thankful for the positive but cant stop complaining at the nagative.

We all set different goals and wants in life and although not always 100% satisfied everyone around me has it pretty damn good. I know it because i have it amazing. I've loved my job here in NYC and made some really A+ friends. and my older friends havn't left me out to dry either. I just am smiling knowing i picked the best of the bunch and I enjoy my time laughing till i can't breathe, smiling so hard my face hurts and spending our last few pennies on each other. xoxox

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