Thursday, January 1, 2009

following Tish's lead

Rules:Link to the person who tagged you.Post the rules on your blog.Write six random things about yourself.Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things about me:
  1. I love the have my heart straight and blow in the wind... blow dryer fan car all forms of the wind But the zinger is I like to pretend Im preforming
  2. I love cleaning my ears with only Qtip brand Qtips all other brands are not allowed inside
  3. I only like cotton socks and underware
  4. I want to live in the play boy mansion( i think the whole chef thing and all those themed parties seem like fun) I want to wear my clothes though
  5. i try to speak spanish to myself when noone is around and in the shower pretend to have conversations with people
  6. I always work ot harder when I go with a friend the inner competition keeps me more physical

People for tagging are as follows Katie, Kea when you find your blog, erika and AL fresh

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