Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Train Chronicals

My train rides tend to be particularly interesting.. Sometimes I run into people I know those are my favorite rides but there are always interesting people. This evening as I headed to the gym to get myself prepared for Summer Sun on the 6 train uptown. There was an Asian woman sitting across from me and she was practicing her citizenship interview. She was armed with a packet in both English and her native language. She politely tapped the love birds next to her to help her study. As she pointed to the paper they read her the English question and she responded with the correct answer. She didn't appear to really understand their English she seemed to have memorized the question and answers. She had memorized so well that when they asked her to sign she mimicked in the air signing on the dotted line.

I don't know how I feel about the situation ...... I definitely think she should learn English not memorize answers if she wants to live here and be part of this country. But it is nice to see that each person that sat down next to her helped her study as she pointed and answered. She never did seem to ask them in English she communicated by pointing down her packet through the pages.

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