Monday, April 6, 2009

sour dream

I took a risk a chance and a leap when I moved to the big apple. Although no one is ever 100% content with their situation in Miami I was pretty content. So out of fear of being to comfortable and not moving forward I packed up and shipped out! I arrived I have a wonderful APT!!! My place is awesome and Im happy there. The work situation well not so hott...

SLVR is turning out poopie so far to say the least... I love my co- workers but the job is not challenging at all! I feel like I'm at a stand still with it I don't learn anything new and there doesn't appear to be any room for growth at the current moment.

They do not offer benefits to ANYONE unless your the actual store manager and no one can have 40 hours other then the manager! The store isn't generating the sales that they planned so we have no WATER COOLER or Microwave!!! We work 9 hour days then are not allowed to leave the building for breaks... but there is not WATER or MICRO!!! I'm done working for "NEW" companies after JetCard PLus and this Im sticking to well oiled machines from now on.

Im staying positive while I join the search with the other 50,000 unhappy new yorkers who are under paid over worked or without any job.... ( i should be happy i get a pay check)

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