Wednesday, August 26, 2009

friends?? amigos????

HUmmm so last night I had a wonderful time! I met up with Andrew who is my friend but not close friend. He invited me to dinner I assumed with his homies. Well upon my arrival it was with his folks!!! ekkkk lucky for me I am mommy proof and dinner was great.
So mommy proof she invited nad insisted I go back to the house. I did and was it the best move EVER!! Her husband and her have a garden and sent this poor princess home with some much needed fresh fruits and veggies. Served me this amazing Dulce de leche and the best damn green peach mint flavored organic homemade tea I have ever drank!!! damn it was soo good, Snapple should buy the recipe. it was really a great evening we had a lot of fun and it was soo random.
It really made me miss my mom of course but I'm going to see her sooo soon I can feel her hugging me and squeezing me already!! ahhhhh I can't wait.

But friends pop out of the strangest places for me. I miss my Miami people so its always nice to have a visitor from the 305!!!

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