Friday, February 13, 2009

the good luck continues

HOLY SHIT!!!! NEW YORK is FREEZEING!! but the apt Im staying at is freaking amazing!!! Its a true myth. No one would believes me when i say its HUGE!!! there is soooo much closet space and plenty of room for me. Im just staying here as a transition till I get my money up and life together. Pollo's place is sick 2 rooms the dinning room as a section that cuts off and a private door so we are making it into a room for me!!!! Its way better then i ever imagined! the view is the Manhattan Bridge and over looking the water. Its not crystal blue like the water outside Tish 7 Beckys spot but the Bridge is AMAZING!! and I can see the Brooklyn Bridge too!!! Im freaking loving this so far

Except there is no where to park my car and its cold. The parking garage is $300 monthly I don't have that so i guess searching for a street spot for 30 mins to an hour is gonna be my new lifestyle!!!


Mizz 1218 said...

parking in new york is tha worst. get rid of tha car. i'm glad it's fresh. have fun. stay warm. post pics.

Jennifer, Workroom Social said...

hi! so glad you made it. call me anytime. this week is a busy one for me, but would love to meet. :)

-in her twenties