Wednesday, February 18, 2009

age old tale

I started this blog as a way to become more FEARLESS WITH MY THOUGHTS during my rebirth of 24. i must say the blogging is like therapy and also keeps me connected. Sometimes I wonder if people read my thoughts and are at all interested or intrigued. But then I realize if they do or don't I love this blogging Tish introduced me too! She often times inspires me through little things she does that keeps me typing away here and writing in my jornal. But when Im driving I get these random thoughts and when I'm surfing.... random thoughts today of course about a stupid boy. ( thats my problem they are boys i need me a MAN!)

I seem to pick the ones that just aren't that into me ( read the book though it was okay...need to see the movie) This particular guy we will call H20 seemed to be vibing with me..... calling haning texting the usual corting protcall. Come to find out he is courting another younger women and is confessing it to the electronic world! Im happy hes happy great but I suddenly stop to compare myself to the other young women and I get lost. Im not jelous let me put the disclaimer out there nor am I full of my self or feel like Im any better. but I always seem to loose to these spoiled brat girls that appear to have life handed to them ( well they brag anyway) this one lives at home is 2 years younger then me and well doens't present herself like a lady more like a sloppy young girl. and Hes totally digging on her. I mean clearly he is the one that needs to step his game up! I would like to think this is just what happens in Miami but the age old man and younger woman saga is now invading my friends parents divorces.

Its been all to easy for all 3 sets of men recently divorced to find women while all my friends moms are sitting back and single. Are they heart broken? are their standards higher? This dating game is tricky stuff

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