Wednesday, June 16, 2010

virginia is for lovers

what an amazing weekend!!! my best friend married her best friend and i couldn't have planned it any better in my mind! It was a completely magical weekend all around! It was nice to escape to VA beach! I most likely would never have pinned that as a city if this event hadn't occurred so I'm glad that we did it there!

I learned about Cornhole and how difficult not eating meat can be when your traveling. We enjoyed the weekend away with friends and family its was an intimate gathering of 45-50. She wore a simple white flowy halter and he wore a white button down with cargos. Polo tees for the man of Honor and best man. I cried like a little baby way to much! Beach wedding with our toes in the sand and the waves crashing is just the way she wanted it! They have been together for 8 years and I've loved it from the start!

We danced the night away and tanned on the beaches. Getting snipped at by a crab and fish hooking her dad across the dance floor were definite highlights. But just looking at each other and seeing how much we have grown and how amazing our friendships are really puts the smile on my face.

The non traditional nature of the event made it all the more enjoyable. i can't wait to see pictures and be included in next years anniversary trip!!

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