Tuesday, March 9, 2010

the spring is coming the spring is coming

aoooowwww if you don't like confrontation why do you allow it to exist???? why can't you own up to actions?? some people are weak! thats what it is thats the answer when you can't own up!!! be honest the truth sets you free. YOu would smile more if you were more honest and you would feel better inside. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can take my shirt off and feel great!

GO TO YOGA GO TO THE GYM RUN do what makes you feel free!! but why is honesty such a rare quality??? does it take that much strength self esteem and selflessness that you can't provide? LIVE IN REALITY!! don't hurt people around you it hurts yourself at the end. You live miserable when you do wrong to others. Ive surrounded myself with many amazing people and spent some time weeding out the unnecessary and I thank EMILY for always being on my page and opening my eyes to friendship reality and self worth! shes not the only one reinstiling the faith in humanity keas love tish's reminders, katies smiles, erika always being around Vikki with the best follow ups! I mean I'm lucky but Emily going through this breakup has been refreshing to me as well!

NYC was beautiful today I'm ready for summer I'm ready to walk with my toes out aooowwwwww life is good. i feel great wok is great i vacation often i love true and i hug from the heart! can anyone see how happy i am ??? lol

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