Tuesday, October 20, 2009

whos in your corner??

Angie has said this in the past but it seems to be sweeping the ears of those close around us.
hang out with 9 broke people be the 10! hang out with 9 rich people be the 10th! I like to change Rich to successful so that it isn't confused that money creates your value. I really have had this all around me in my head, my ears and even in my face as she posted it. The responses that she got were great for the most part!

I have taken it, thought and really started to evaluate my corner. Its hard for me to narrow to just 9 people in my corner that are successful as I am blessed to have so many people around me making moves. I just need to continue to empower myself and those around me. I have finished my leadership book Monday morning leadership and have complied new goals.

I have written my goals down on paper with a pen! When you write them you follow them. I have also given myself a time-line with each goal. I did reserve some rooms for dreams. Goals start with dreams so I can't give up on those. I have been continually challenging change and moving forward! I'm not stopping either, when all of these goals are check check checked NEXT!!! Its easy to be so positive when I have 9 successful people around me!

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