Thursday, October 22, 2009

miami, puerto rico, chicago, milford,

I want to run to hide under a rock.. I want to hibernate like a bear for the winter somewhere no one can find me. But when I return I want everything to be moving forward and all issues having disappeared. I just need time to stand still for just a moment! I need to stop and think uninterrupted and have time to manage my concerns!!! Its moving so quickly everything around me. The ideas in my head flow faster and faster then my actions are actually occurring. I get days off and there aren't enough hours in the day to accomplish some of my tasks let along all!
Time please please slow down I need you too..... I need to gather my thoughts and not feel like your quicksand sucking me in. I am on the right path leading to the road and eventually the succesfull highway. The path has been hard to make out at time and I can finally see the ground and know what direction. BUT i need a moment to read my map again!! I would like a small escape somewhere. I just am not sure where to go

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