Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It's no secret that when your down it seems like everything just keeps getting piled on! Sometimes we feel like we have no outlet its bad news followed by bad news.... I personally try to stay positive through my trying and difficult times, yet its a challenge. The questions what if? and why? always seem to remain in my mind when things aren't on "my course". They also say that god will never let anything happen to you that you can not handle. These challenges we incur come at us from all ends.

Although there are times when I feel emotionally and physically drained as though I am defeated by the ocurrance, I keep trucking. I've listed over the last few months goals and ideals for my life. I've been checking them off as they become completed. Other things I wash to the back burner as they seem unattainable. Or at least for the moment! There are few things that I have really GIVEN UP ON in my time. I have surrounded myself with positive people that have given me pushes forward in ways they don't see. I have spent the past few months in New York revisiting old ideas and discovering new journeys. There are times I think What if I was still in Miami? What if i didn't have a car payment or a college loan payment?

I'm learning to take the what ifs and given them an answer. I'm striving to stay on top of my downward turns and make the sour moments lemonade instead of a heart-breaking set-back. It's easy for me to feel like this when it seems things always turn out in my favor. I ask myself again WHY? why is this working out? well.. its because I want it! I deserve it! I'm working towards it! god gave me that challenge as a test to see where I would push myself next! Well world I'm not done yet! Things can only go UP from here! and I can only better myself and the people around me!

As I celebrate my small victory of the morning I must remember not to get ahead of myself! That new challenge will lay ahead and I must stay prepared and focused for when it comes my way. But no matter the out come no matter the hardship of it I'll still find a moment to smile and see the good inside the problem. I PROMISE and Promise me YOU will do the same!

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