Monday, August 17, 2009


its a bitch!!! and I hate people taking advantage of a good thing or not appreciating their friendships! This bitch ass that lives with us better come get his shit outta my apt!!! Cause I do not want to see my roomie upset that his friend is a scumbag user! How are you just gonna have your stuff somewhere that you never come to and never care about. Your so lucky those Louie glasses aren't here cause they would be MINE!

Why would you piss where you sleep. Pollo goes above and beyond for EVERY SINGLE person he meets and this kid is his "best friend" treating him like this. Do people have no shame these days?? Does your mother know you treat people like this??? I'm disgusted for my roomie :( I'm not telling Angie either cause he's not ready for her side to meet his side sooo sad people aren't good friends these days!!!

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