This whole waking up to dreams and magical feelings while we are parading around in our twenties is exciting, exhausting and a wake up call. I'm so proud of my friends
whos wildest dreams are becoming careers and goals reached. From celebrity chefs,
business owners soon to be
musical sensations and well perfect moms! I'm
soo proud of everyone.
My dreams are still alive and kicking too sometimes i have to pinch myself wake up and come back to reality. I need often to stop floating on my cloud and come down. There are so many things I have wanted to do but like Drake said over all I wanna just be successful.
Radio personality
president to the USA ( since I was in 4
th grade my dream ha)
Marketing Director for Ralph Lauren
Own a
Jamba Juice
Open a Skate Park
just live on an island as a local
Shoe model ( keep the shoes!!)
teacher for the inner city schools
soccer mom
CoordinatorBARTENDER AGAIN!!! $$$$$$
ahhh soo many dreams
soo much time to try it all. I'm sure I will check a few off my list soon for now I am rewriting the Resume and finding away back to NYC enough of the Jersey commute. Come on PUMA
gimmie a transfer so I don't just pounce away!!!!