Friday, February 13, 2009


I interviewed today! fingers are still crossed they told me I'd hear back at the end of next week so I am still unemployed! The store was nice its very green and simple. The clothes are high end fashion and very basic! The logos are small the sizes are tight its nothing like the loud originals store!!! I think I would enjoy working there after meeting people. I hope that they loved me as much I would love the opportunity. Then come to find out Kelliys boy works for an add agency in times square. They made lots of cuts though and aren't hiring. This is going to be tough here But I';m gonna excel I know it!

1 comment:

Mizz 1218 said...

you're gonna find the right opportunity right when you need to...not a moment before, not a moment later. just keep up with the people you meet and work those contacts. you should read "the big sister's guide to the world of work" that helped me a lot