Sunday, April 25, 2010

sushi, granola, yogat, smile, dancing, miami, red, stars 10, boys, reggaton, mi primas y primos, fairy tales and cute boys sun sets that become sun rises, the mean green, ice pops and lolli pops, 12 7 84 jamba juice, que, pay y amor, panama, oh my god shoes, black bean borritos love friends day time naps with the sun on your face, celery and blue chesse,bones, drake, bbm, henny con cranberry, adidas, 3 stripes 510 , ninja powers, kisses , family, fotos the karadisans, smell money in the bank, salt water, boats , boys boys boys, lol, hair, puerto rico, dade county, yankees, facebook, laughing , lyndsay, color, clothes, milford and the list goes on and on and on
all i need in my life is the warm sun on my face tanning oil on my skin and a bathing suit! i don't even really need the towel as long as i can feel the warmth of the sun bronzing my skin im good. Itll be nice to have the salty water touch upon my lips and quench my thirst with a forsty beverage.
This conrete jungle is a tough place thr thrive it rains its cold its hot and sunny and shit its true people are out for self. Not me though i smile truck on through and never let someone steal my piece of sunshine

the sunshine i make and the sun kissing against my skin either way ive got a koolaide smile and a positive thought brewing in my mind.

aooooowwwwwww im a miami girl

Saturday, April 17, 2010

when a sign appears

We all look for "signs" we often get caught between our head and our hearts. So then we resort to asking for a sign a little something to let us know which one to follow. Some times these signs are few and far between but there are those times when they are as vivid as a stop sign!
Angie congrats for getting your sign! We may not all be as lucky to get them as clear but... we get them in strange little ways so we all need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Like andrea has been saying it is what it is... let it be that. There is no need to over look these "signs" just roll with the punches ladies. Stay positive and true to yourself the rest seems to work its way out!!
live sincere live positive and smile... it'll work i promise

Sunday, April 11, 2010

when is enough enough???? How do we know when limits are pushed whether it be ours or someone elses??? How do you signal to someone that you just can't deal anymore be it the situation in the moment or the situation in general. Its no secret people grow apart. The fabulous thing about this life is that it is a mystery and we are creatures that are ever changing and ever evolving. I read once that life is a mystery that relationships are mysteries.

That due to the fact that every situation changes us we never really know who we are or who they are. Its not scary its beautiful the thought that every day we are changing in a positive manner is amazing. Some people unfortunately are not as socially developed to be able to prosper but rather try to bring others down. What happens when friends make you feel down??? how do you approach? how do you know its time to take a step back from someones selfishness???

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

spring is here its finally here

yumm good street eats make sunny nyc days all the more enjoyable!!!
my new spring do!! aooowww she is a fuckin lady and embracing nyc

the trees blossum in nyc all smiles and sunshine

Monday, April 5, 2010

heart to heart

Unconditional love~

where the hell does it come from? where is this idea of love everlasting created and how does the feeling swim so deep in your heart? I don't get it are we are pre-programed with this unconditional love for family? Do you love the father you never knew just because everyone around you loves their dads? Does the mother that can't seem to get it together loose your unconditional love because your tired? Tired of being hurt and disappointed? What about your siblings? are they even people you would befriend in life had you been given the option? Whats so special ? why do we love them too the moon and back for as long as forever? All because the same blood pumps through our veins? Thank you mom for the birth canal but if she doesn't live up to your expectations does the unconditional change???

I love my family and i know why I love them. I also know that they upset me and some of them have hurt me. I also just wonder where this love comes from! we fall in and out of love with boyfriends and friends but whats sooo strong about this family love???

I met my cousins for the first time as adults and I love them I instantly want to protect them and guide them hug and kiss them. My brother who i adore and have been heart broken in the past when he was not around recently pissed me off! I mean really crossed the line with his behavior. So much it made me stop and think.... I wouldn't allow any friends or any boyfriend to treat me like this... so why the hell is he??? Do i accept it because he is family??? i mean I told him but the question lingers in the air when is enough enough????