Tuesday, February 2, 2010

laughs looking back

I love the show Bones!!! I can't get enough of her quirky humor and his Patriotic spirit! Its too funny I love watching it after work and I can cruise past the commericals. Last night they were sharing embarrassing Childhood stories. Times that other children embarrassed them. KIDS ARE TRULY CRUEL. I wonder where we learn it from to be soo mean. Looking back I had my own stories that would make a 10 year old cry. I aso did my fair share of teasing. But as I was blowing my nose one story in particular came to mind. As I shared this with my roomie he suggested i go to therapy LOL.

In the 6th grade your not allow to just leave class you need to ask every time you want to use the bathroom. Some evil teachers would say ,"NO" since they assumed you were roaming the halls and not actually relieving yourself. STUPID teachers can really cause some of these issues were you get teased. For me when I was younger I would get really terrible head colds and get a filled up with mucus. My step-mother and father ALWAYS sent me to school. Well my runny nose was soo embarrassing and at the time I had no idea how to control my blowing. I would have to stand in the back of the class and blow my runny snotty nose and it would be soooooo LOUD and last well what seemed like forever!! I hated it sometimes I would be asked to step outside the door. but not go to the bathroom down the end of the hall. Great! let me stand in the hall way where there are only a few passer bys and it ECHOS!! ugh mortified what was worse was then they starting calling me SNOT NOSE :( Hey snot nose!! Hey are you gonna blow your nose some more :( it wasn't my fault at the time I didn't know how too. SHIT even now I find my self blowing and blowing.

Kids are cruel like really mean this was just one of the many. I know as we grow older and wiser we befriend each other and grow away from the snont nose days. Its funny that some of those kids are good friends to me know. BUT still SNOT NOSE :(