Christmas this year was great!My brother and I have grown to really enjoy the moments we get to spend together. My family has grown to be one solid unit after many years and it bring me great joy. But this Christmas i have again had my faith in true love reaffirmed.
Watching Darryl's parents over the holiday was a true act of love. As his father has grown increasingly ill his mother has been by his side for every moment and every beck and call. Taking care of an old man is no easy task to begin with. But as a fussy man grows older and more ill more patience are necessary.
The love in which she tends to him is nearly indescribable. Throughout the morning she had a joyful look as she made an individual breakfast for each person. She patiently awaited her husband to finish his and met every request he had. She then cleaned and gifted everyone. Her smiles lite up the room. But throughout the weekend she tended to his needs and moved slow with him. She sat with him she held him at all times she moved at his pace. She never once so much as lifted a brow or sighed heavy. Everything she did she did with love and it pleased her to assist the man she loves.
They did say for better or worse sick or poor till death do them part. They are living to the vows they promised and they have given another example of true love. Christmas was no special event she will continue these actions forever
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Why is it that we don't see the signs ??? Are we blind deaf dumb stupid or all of the above??? I mean IRS so bad at times we literally need to see it in writing it feels like . nothing like a kick me while I'm down to get the weekend started. Or why do we get drawn to people who don't want the same things???? Is it that they pretend they don't see it??? Or are we not as great as we amp each other to be??? Why does every friend tell me I'm amazing but them I loose some of my "best friends " or guys tell girls your what every guy wants soooo what the hell? It seems az though the answers to thes questions are as lost as the truth about the earths' development.
I just know I can't lie to the cruel cold world I wanna scream and shake him and jump up and down and let him know we could make things work if u gave it a chance; if I gave it a chance. But instead I will smile at you and pretend I know nothing about your relationship outside of our friendship! I will sit there and watch you be upset and know you would deserve better. I know I care about you and wouldn't ever want u to feel sadness or pain.
The question does remain though maybe it's not her jut maybe it's him. MAybe she shuns him and he's finally feeling hurt..... Ouch there are 2 sides and I'm only seeing 1 there is more to him then I get to see. My time with you isnt the whole you it's part. I love and adore our special bond but I wonder what's She got??? What did you do??? Until then I'm walking away I don't need a bigger sign then way hinge you be upset or sad or cranky. Those actions and emotions mean hour not with me so good night cold cruel world. Tomorrow is another day And today I followed the road signs
I just know I can't lie to the cruel cold world I wanna scream and shake him and jump up and down and let him know we could make things work if u gave it a chance; if I gave it a chance. But instead I will smile at you and pretend I know nothing about your relationship outside of our friendship! I will sit there and watch you be upset and know you would deserve better. I know I care about you and wouldn't ever want u to feel sadness or pain.
The question does remain though maybe it's not her jut maybe it's him. MAybe she shuns him and he's finally feeling hurt..... Ouch there are 2 sides and I'm only seeing 1 there is more to him then I get to see. My time with you isnt the whole you it's part. I love and adore our special bond but I wonder what's She got??? What did you do??? Until then I'm walking away I don't need a bigger sign then way hinge you be upset or sad or cranky. Those actions and emotions mean hour not with me so good night cold cruel world. Tomorrow is another day And today I followed the road signs
Sunday, October 17, 2010
sometimes i have to stop and pinch myself! I just never dreamed I would be so lucky in life. We always as children dream these big dreams of wants and needs like jobs and material objects but we don't often say when I grow up I wanna feel safe and secure.
Often times we take for grante the smiles and laughs we share but bitch and moan when sadness occurs. We are not always thankful for the positive but cant stop complaining at the nagative.
We all set different goals and wants in life and although not always 100% satisfied everyone around me has it pretty damn good. I know it because i have it amazing. I've loved my job here in NYC and made some really A+ friends. and my older friends havn't left me out to dry either. I just am smiling knowing i picked the best of the bunch and I enjoy my time laughing till i can't breathe, smiling so hard my face hurts and spending our last few pennies on each other. xoxox
Often times we take for grante the smiles and laughs we share but bitch and moan when sadness occurs. We are not always thankful for the positive but cant stop complaining at the nagative.
We all set different goals and wants in life and although not always 100% satisfied everyone around me has it pretty damn good. I know it because i have it amazing. I've loved my job here in NYC and made some really A+ friends. and my older friends havn't left me out to dry either. I just am smiling knowing i picked the best of the bunch and I enjoy my time laughing till i can't breathe, smiling so hard my face hurts and spending our last few pennies on each other. xoxox
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
hebron plantation
Once again adidas has proven to give me an experience I had not earlier imagined. I have been in Florence Kentuky for the last 7 days. living out of a suitcase rocking nothing but 3 stripes at the Hebron tent sale.
When I say we have been doing work I'm hoping that the emphasis of work really comes acorss. Our team of selected employees from across the country came together to put on a 3 days sale and gross over 1 million dollars. It was amazing totally amazing.
Tuesday we flew in ate dinner and introduced ourselves to our new adifamilia. Wed at 8:30 am in 50 degree weather we reported and began unloading 10 trucks worth of merchandise. Finally when Thursday night rolled around after 2 12 hour days we got it all together.
Friday morning people camped out from 4 am to shop the adidas bargains of sneakers, athletic apparel and smiles on kids faces were priceless. The people of Hebron love us and we have grown to love each other.
This company has proven to change people into the better by offering them different situations. I came in alone and ready to work I'm leaving tired well feed and with a few new vaction spots to visit my new friends. We eat like kings every day and night we laugh we joke we have drinks and swim together. As much as I have been dying to get back to NYC and be with my crew. I am going to miss my new adi-friends from HEEEbbronnnn
When I say we have been doing work I'm hoping that the emphasis of work really comes acorss. Our team of selected employees from across the country came together to put on a 3 days sale and gross over 1 million dollars. It was amazing totally amazing.
Tuesday we flew in ate dinner and introduced ourselves to our new adifamilia. Wed at 8:30 am in 50 degree weather we reported and began unloading 10 trucks worth of merchandise. Finally when Thursday night rolled around after 2 12 hour days we got it all together.
Friday morning people camped out from 4 am to shop the adidas bargains of sneakers, athletic apparel and smiles on kids faces were priceless. The people of Hebron love us and we have grown to love each other.
This company has proven to change people into the better by offering them different situations. I came in alone and ready to work I'm leaving tired well feed and with a few new vaction spots to visit my new friends. We eat like kings every day and night we laugh we joke we have drinks and swim together. As much as I have been dying to get back to NYC and be with my crew. I am going to miss my new adi-friends from HEEEbbronnnn
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
only female in my crew
I didn't plan it but i happened again the energy is crazy in adidas. i always felt like my Miami crew was so golden and they totally are nothing ever changed. People i meat there will be in my life forever.
But i totally have met some great people in my new store and we have a great vibe together. I've been lucky to share some great events stories and laughs with them. Even some tears.
But i totally have met some great people in my new store and we have a great vibe together. I've been lucky to share some great events stories and laughs with them. Even some tears.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Whoa I think my future arrived a little bit sooner then i thought it would. Career wise. I mean i might be jumping ahead of myself and i have worked really hard to get where I am but its moving fast. Not too fast but at a quicker pace then I expected so putting my mind to it and staying focused!
smiling that I am where I planned to be
smiling that I am where I planned to be
Sunday, September 19, 2010
So i am really just stuck today Rock and a hard place. I feel again as though my gold fish got flushed or my sunshine stolen. The act of another individual that is a friend has betrayed my trust. On a level i can't explain.
trust is a funny thing and when you loose it from someone the pain doesn't seem to subside easily
ignorance is bliss but the truth sets you free
situation by situation I've learned it always surfaces an i do great with the truth but never well with lies.
So i am really just stuck today Rock and a hard place. I feel again as though my gold fish got flushed or my sunshine stolen. The act of another individual that is a friend has betrayed my trust. On a level i can't explain.
trust is a funny thing and when you loose it from someone the pain doesn't seem to subside easily
ignorance is bliss but the truth sets you free
situation by situation I've learned it always surfaces an i do great with the truth but never well with lies.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
kicked in the nuts
I've had some pretty amazing friendships in my time! I'm always referring to some of them as besties and I'm lucky to have the amount of wonderful people around me that I do. Some ppl never get one Ive had lots of glamorous and unglamorous moments.
Sometimes I wish i could take back a few of the moments and make them a little more magical but then again the bad times make the good times even sweeter.
I just had tried to erase her I never imagine her popping up. I always hopped i'd walk into her in NYC i mean I work around the corner from her old or current job. I even take the bus to canarsie sometimes. Then when Jordana was suppose to bring her to my house i was speechless.
It wasn't till tonight till she popped up on my computer screen via facebook that she seemed closer then ever. She isn't dead she's just moved past me and well past us. I wish her nothing but the best and i know one day we will eventually speak and until then I guess i know she is alive and still fabulous from her pic.
Sometimes I wish i could take back a few of the moments and make them a little more magical but then again the bad times make the good times even sweeter.
I just had tried to erase her I never imagine her popping up. I always hopped i'd walk into her in NYC i mean I work around the corner from her old or current job. I even take the bus to canarsie sometimes. Then when Jordana was suppose to bring her to my house i was speechless.
It wasn't till tonight till she popped up on my computer screen via facebook that she seemed closer then ever. She isn't dead she's just moved past me and well past us. I wish her nothing but the best and i know one day we will eventually speak and until then I guess i know she is alive and still fabulous from her pic.
Friday, September 3, 2010
it was a long day at work my fairy godmother was in the building the pressure to perform was on but now it feels more natural then ever. I know what to do and I do it well. I enjoy learning from her its great. She feeds me knowledge when she isn't even trying
but tonight has been so relaxing I was tired but i walked i saved on the train.It is a swift 30 mins home it goes quickly. Friday night walking is an experience. I'm still rocking my 3 stripes but the mini dresses and heels are on the others. I did a quick grocery run for cupcake mix humus and chicken.
lunch is prepared for tomorrow cupcakes for my staff and for me a relaxing night enjoying sex & the city 2 ahhhht eh irony of sex in the city on an uneventful friday. I havn't stopped laughing i love this movie
but tonight has been so relaxing I was tired but i walked i saved on the train.It is a swift 30 mins home it goes quickly. Friday night walking is an experience. I'm still rocking my 3 stripes but the mini dresses and heels are on the others. I did a quick grocery run for cupcake mix humus and chicken.
lunch is prepared for tomorrow cupcakes for my staff and for me a relaxing night enjoying sex & the city 2 ahhhht eh irony of sex in the city on an uneventful friday. I havn't stopped laughing i love this movie
Sunday, August 29, 2010
windy pizza and stuffed dogs
the trip to the windy city was more then i expected. It was absolutly delightful. I really had no idea what to expect i just knew i was headed west to visit good friends in a far away land. Upon my arrival to this fabulous city I was fortunate enough to stay in their sick pad and enjoy home cooked meals. I have to say I am very proud of the bestie learning to use the kitchen so well.
Michigan Ave was amazing shopping and the building and arciture there it just takes you to a whole other place. Like warm and fuzzy. I just kept imagining it as this 1930's winter scene with snow flakes and a love affair. The city to me was uber romatic with its city life surrounded by nature. One moment you are shopping mid town next your on the BEACH> lake michigan although not your idea spot for a cool dip. kept its promise of water sand sun light and city views.
We dinned out for lunch one after noon and tasted some of the local brewed beers YUM! chicago is filled with bars bars and bars. yet its not so mixy the crowd. Everyone is so cauals jeans and flops land you entrance. I did indulge in french fries after 5 years. i figured hey i gotta live now!
the 2 hour 10 mile bike ride around the park, visiting the mirror bean and cruising the coast line in Erikas vintage bike was like fullfilling a fantasy dream i didn't know i had. We passed secret gardens, rode along the coast line looped past the football field and road with the cars. something i never planned on doing. There were no complaints from either her or I just smiles and laughter as two best friends explored the city without a car or a care in the world. We sharred lots of hugs and tears of course streamed down at both my entremnce and exit on the trip.
We ate chicago style pizza which was good but ill stick to my new york style. I don't want my chesse hidding anwhere. Put it where i can see it and its the first thing i taste! Well i suppose that summs up the windy city that was clear skies and perfect breezes. I see why Oprah and Erika both love it there. I will return again to visit but for now off to the next city!!! I see CALI in my near future!!!!
Michigan Ave was amazing shopping and the building and arciture there it just takes you to a whole other place. Like warm and fuzzy. I just kept imagining it as this 1930's winter scene with snow flakes and a love affair. The city to me was uber romatic with its city life surrounded by nature. One moment you are shopping mid town next your on the BEACH> lake michigan although not your idea spot for a cool dip. kept its promise of water sand sun light and city views.
We dinned out for lunch one after noon and tasted some of the local brewed beers YUM! chicago is filled with bars bars and bars. yet its not so mixy the crowd. Everyone is so cauals jeans and flops land you entrance. I did indulge in french fries after 5 years. i figured hey i gotta live now!
the 2 hour 10 mile bike ride around the park, visiting the mirror bean and cruising the coast line in Erikas vintage bike was like fullfilling a fantasy dream i didn't know i had. We passed secret gardens, rode along the coast line looped past the football field and road with the cars. something i never planned on doing. There were no complaints from either her or I just smiles and laughter as two best friends explored the city without a car or a care in the world. We sharred lots of hugs and tears of course streamed down at both my entremnce and exit on the trip.
We ate chicago style pizza which was good but ill stick to my new york style. I don't want my chesse hidding anwhere. Put it where i can see it and its the first thing i taste! Well i suppose that summs up the windy city that was clear skies and perfect breezes. I see why Oprah and Erika both love it there. I will return again to visit but for now off to the next city!!! I see CALI in my near future!!!!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
i just wanted to be a lil gay and remind the universe i love summer and i am not ready for it to leave me. Mr sun please take your time your warm touch and the glow outside my window is amazing. Sure leaves changing and fall fashion are great but...
i love to have my toes in their painted glory exposed in adorable sandals. My long stem lags smoothly feel more comfortable in shorts and mini's then ashy behind jeans that never fit. Sweat is something i will not miss and my hair has not been perfect in a few weeks because of the humid air and sparatic miami like rain falls. even my wardrobe is equipped with open toe stiltz and tub tops and mini skirts not yet worn.
but who wants to hide under a coat and gloves with a scarf choking you. The summer is when I am free and i enjoy the outdoors. No one wants a jamba juice or martini break after work if you have to sludge through the wintery mix.
please summer i beg you stay for an extra month i promise it will be worth it and if you do have to come to an end. I am on my knees saying baby baby please return quickly. I will promise to endluge in snow boarding and the magic of a white Christmas but i will long for you summer.
i love to have my toes in their painted glory exposed in adorable sandals. My long stem lags smoothly feel more comfortable in shorts and mini's then ashy behind jeans that never fit. Sweat is something i will not miss and my hair has not been perfect in a few weeks because of the humid air and sparatic miami like rain falls. even my wardrobe is equipped with open toe stiltz and tub tops and mini skirts not yet worn.
but who wants to hide under a coat and gloves with a scarf choking you. The summer is when I am free and i enjoy the outdoors. No one wants a jamba juice or martini break after work if you have to sludge through the wintery mix.
please summer i beg you stay for an extra month i promise it will be worth it and if you do have to come to an end. I am on my knees saying baby baby please return quickly. I will promise to endluge in snow boarding and the magic of a white Christmas but i will long for you summer.
Friday, August 13, 2010
change for the better??
Emily and i are enjoying our single in the city part of our lives but honestly is it being embraced? She got burned and she got burned bad now she needs to do what all of us girls need to learn to do and that is survive the nyc dating pool alive.
she just plagued me with the question should i change my yoga studio??? she goes to a place in chelsea so its mainly gay guys and girls. Not a place to find a single boy toy!! My advice to her is YES!! take your yoga mat a few blocks up where boys like girls. You have to put yourself on the field to be in the game.
honestly the game can be exhausting especially when your friends around you are also single and clueless about nyc dating and the rest of them already have relationships.
My dad warned me long before I moved here New York is a lonely city. I believed him but i didn't imagine it would be. I'm one of the lucky ones this city houses my family and closest friends. But still at times that isn't enough. And although single is the way to be these days for some of us it isn't.
Emily is now curious on other ways to change her routine to increase the chances of bumping into mr perfect or at least MR right now. I explained to her she's gonna have to sitting home alone on a friday night dosen't make cupid's job easier.
Oh new york can you throw my girl emily something to stay positive about?
she just plagued me with the question should i change my yoga studio??? she goes to a place in chelsea so its mainly gay guys and girls. Not a place to find a single boy toy!! My advice to her is YES!! take your yoga mat a few blocks up where boys like girls. You have to put yourself on the field to be in the game.
honestly the game can be exhausting especially when your friends around you are also single and clueless about nyc dating and the rest of them already have relationships.
My dad warned me long before I moved here New York is a lonely city. I believed him but i didn't imagine it would be. I'm one of the lucky ones this city houses my family and closest friends. But still at times that isn't enough. And although single is the way to be these days for some of us it isn't.
Emily is now curious on other ways to change her routine to increase the chances of bumping into mr perfect or at least MR right now. I explained to her she's gonna have to sitting home alone on a friday night dosen't make cupid's job easier.
Oh new york can you throw my girl emily something to stay positive about?
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Ugh in reading the paper this morning i discovered that they are going to bring sales tax back to clothing and shoes in NYC!!! this makes me want to cry tax in this city is outrageous yowwwzaaaaa
apple falls by the tree
my Mom dropped this note in my inbox today and it reminded me of something i would send
Today is just a beautiful day .and you are the most beautiful person in mylife.
so smile and tell everyone they are beautiful as you.
luz beatiful day so start your day beautiful
love mom xoxoxox
Today is just a beautiful day .and you are the most beautiful person in mylife.
so smile and tell everyone they are beautiful as you.
luz beatiful day so start your day beautiful
love mom xoxoxox
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
thank you
yesterday i asked for help for a sign for that feeling that keeps me excited and passionate for more. Sometimes we don't stop to see read or feel the signs.
Mine called!!! I got a random call from someone who has been at the forefront of my successes and guiding me.They called to pay me a compliment and we discussed briefly my uninspired attitude. Moments later I felt refreshed and knew how to handle the rest of my day.
I have to say im thankful i got my resolution so quickly and I got a little more then i asked for which is always great! I now am back on my path and know im working towards even more greater things now.
Mine called!!! I got a random call from someone who has been at the forefront of my successes and guiding me.They called to pay me a compliment and we discussed briefly my uninspired attitude. Moments later I felt refreshed and knew how to handle the rest of my day.
I have to say im thankful i got my resolution so quickly and I got a little more then i asked for which is always great! I now am back on my path and know im working towards even more greater things now.
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
to whom this may concern:
Please let me have a good day today!please let me find a way to feel insprired as I am not inspired by work at the moment! Remind me what I am working towards and remind me that everything takes some highs and some lows. Please let me keep my cool and not say the wrong thing to the wrong ( or right) person
thank you
note to self keep your cool and remember critisimism both negative or postive are for your benefit> remember not everyone is as diplomatic as you are
put a smile on
Please let me have a good day today!please let me find a way to feel insprired as I am not inspired by work at the moment! Remind me what I am working towards and remind me that everything takes some highs and some lows. Please let me keep my cool and not say the wrong thing to the wrong ( or right) person
thank you
note to self keep your cool and remember critisimism both negative or postive are for your benefit> remember not everyone is as diplomatic as you are
put a smile on
Friday, July 16, 2010
keeping it in your pants
There isn't a time line for pain and there doesn't seem to be a guide line for how long something should hurt for. When is it time to get over something? Are there things we will never get over? What happens when your past is in your face? what happens when that past is on your camera and you never knew it was there following you around??
My poor friend is heart broken this evening finding out her ex boy friend cheated on her... As if the breakup wasn't dramatic enough since he became a pure usless douchbag ! NO REALLY he was useless and a douche bag and she was carrying him through life walking him off the ledge. Come to find out he was hooking up with some trashy strippers esk bad boob job ed hardy wearing picture taking freak of nature!
My poor friend found these disgusting photos on a camera she found in her car a long time ago and they surfaced terriable pain. She had been cheated on and never known. I guess the old saying its better you don't know holds true. She was fine thinking he was a shitty guy and they broke up. BUT THINGS CHANGE when you get cheated on!
now shes sitting in her fabulous NYC apt and her amazing neighbor is trying to make it better but what an ass.
and with the amount of friends I have that have been cheated on it truly makes me question if monagamy exists anymore. Is it possiable for men in their 20" and 30's to keep it in their pants?
My poor friend is heart broken this evening finding out her ex boy friend cheated on her... As if the breakup wasn't dramatic enough since he became a pure usless douchbag ! NO REALLY he was useless and a douche bag and she was carrying him through life walking him off the ledge. Come to find out he was hooking up with some trashy strippers esk bad boob job ed hardy wearing picture taking freak of nature!
My poor friend found these disgusting photos on a camera she found in her car a long time ago and they surfaced terriable pain. She had been cheated on and never known. I guess the old saying its better you don't know holds true. She was fine thinking he was a shitty guy and they broke up. BUT THINGS CHANGE when you get cheated on!
now shes sitting in her fabulous NYC apt and her amazing neighbor is trying to make it better but what an ass.
and with the amount of friends I have that have been cheated on it truly makes me question if monagamy exists anymore. Is it possiable for men in their 20" and 30's to keep it in their pants?
Friday, July 9, 2010
days off
Oh my days off I cherish them! Some times i Travel abroad LOL some days I like to go home to my country house in Milfrod and see the family or hop the train/bus situation to a neighboring friend. i don't really stay put in NYC. I really need to work on that. I complain about $$ and how salle mae is stealing all mine but I of course in looking at my bank statment can sum up where it goes:
Mani & pedi
Summer time Bikini wax
I took a trip to Long Branch with Emaly to go to the beach: This was no small trip train ticket to and from Emalys, helped pay for gas, breakfast, sushi lunch, THEY CHARGE TO GET ON THE BEACH $5( !!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT ( see miami got one up on the northeast)
Birthday Dinner party:
Train stopped working because of the heat wave cab ride up and cab ride back at 1 am ( heels and tiny outfits don't mix with the train at night)
Dinner drinks $50 per person. The highlight was however her $500 Queen of hearts Birthday cake of chocolate goodness!!!
So 2 days off equals all my spenidng money!!! Its time I start exploring the cheaper things in nyc i think. But its good to splurge every now and again!
Mani & pedi
Summer time Bikini wax
I took a trip to Long Branch with Emaly to go to the beach: This was no small trip train ticket to and from Emalys, helped pay for gas, breakfast, sushi lunch, THEY CHARGE TO GET ON THE BEACH $5( !!! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT ABOUT ( see miami got one up on the northeast)
Birthday Dinner party:
Train stopped working because of the heat wave cab ride up and cab ride back at 1 am ( heels and tiny outfits don't mix with the train at night)
Dinner drinks $50 per person. The highlight was however her $500 Queen of hearts Birthday cake of chocolate goodness!!!
So 2 days off equals all my spenidng money!!! Its time I start exploring the cheaper things in nyc i think. But its good to splurge every now and again!
Monday, July 5, 2010
i trying to explain it
in this life there are sooo many i mean countless moments that you can't explain!! an enorumous amount of feels that play into the countless moments that we can't explain!!! The thing is we can sit around trying to explain them because then we miss out on living them. Many of those moments we want to erase and change and others we want to cherish and roll around in the smell of them forever.
We always make it seem like if we can explain them we will understand them more. As though if unexplainable moments explained will bring some new feeling of content of accomplishment to a situation. what happens is we get lost and wrapped up trying to explain some moments and miss our on the actual moment.
there are so many feelings that you can explain like trust and the feeling of safe. You have it with some ppl and with others the chemistry just doens't exist and you can try and try but you just can't create it. The feeling of joy is created from within and then bubbles to the surface. The feeling of anger is generally mustered from the outside then you explode from the inside out. the confusing emotion for most is the dscontentment you feel with certian situations. when you can't explain the way you feel good bad or indifferent. thats when the frustration occurs and thats when things get all nutty. When you start to feel like you are losing your control or the balance is gone because it was unexplainable. or maybe it is explainable but in your world you can't or wont or don't want to explain the feeling aloud. are we not explaining it because we are trying and we can't or can we and we just don't want to? What to do with these mixed emotions.
i just sleep on them and wait for another moment when someone glances in your eyes with that warm sloshy feeling.... wait for a random thank you a smile from a stranger... i wait for the unexplainable chemistry force between someone that for a moment sweeps me off my feet even if they don't know it. for now while I can't explain ill dream because I don't need to explain the dreams.
We always make it seem like if we can explain them we will understand them more. As though if unexplainable moments explained will bring some new feeling of content of accomplishment to a situation. what happens is we get lost and wrapped up trying to explain some moments and miss our on the actual moment.
there are so many feelings that you can explain like trust and the feeling of safe. You have it with some ppl and with others the chemistry just doens't exist and you can try and try but you just can't create it. The feeling of joy is created from within and then bubbles to the surface. The feeling of anger is generally mustered from the outside then you explode from the inside out. the confusing emotion for most is the dscontentment you feel with certian situations. when you can't explain the way you feel good bad or indifferent. thats when the frustration occurs and thats when things get all nutty. When you start to feel like you are losing your control or the balance is gone because it was unexplainable. or maybe it is explainable but in your world you can't or wont or don't want to explain the feeling aloud. are we not explaining it because we are trying and we can't or can we and we just don't want to? What to do with these mixed emotions.
i just sleep on them and wait for another moment when someone glances in your eyes with that warm sloshy feeling.... wait for a random thank you a smile from a stranger... i wait for the unexplainable chemistry force between someone that for a moment sweeps me off my feet even if they don't know it. for now while I can't explain ill dream because I don't need to explain the dreams.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
The lessons we have learned. Emily living here in New York is great for me! Ive known her since we were in the 6th grade and just have a great time together. It's also so nice to experience this difficult city with as many people around you in the same boat! But since I've know her longer then anyone else here its amazing to see how she has grown into a beautiful young woman! WE DID IT!!! we said we were gonna live here and we are doing it!!!
I just wish I knew what I wanted next???? Why is 25 this hump of confusion? Angie has helped me a guided me through this city and got me here. But now her and her family are thinking about moving. That's not something I want but I love that she knows what she wants next now. I need to get to that place. So its time for some more searching. For right now my next dream is to not shop save my pennies and take time to just travel more of south America! Costa Rica Peru all of it! let mee what happens next
I just wish I knew what I wanted next???? Why is 25 this hump of confusion? Angie has helped me a guided me through this city and got me here. But now her and her family are thinking about moving. That's not something I want but I love that she knows what she wants next now. I need to get to that place. So its time for some more searching. For right now my next dream is to not shop save my pennies and take time to just travel more of south America! Costa Rica Peru all of it! let mee what happens next
Thursday, June 24, 2010
Lyrical traffic jam
New York city is filled with activities and the random ones that pop up always seem to be the most fun! Tonight we got to visit the 305 for a few hours at the Pit Bull show hosted at the Nokia theator in times square. We walked in all access it was fun!
It is always nice to be swept off my feet and feel the days I spent in Miami. My life there was fabulous and my life here is as well. Above all it was nice to see an old aquiantice as part of the tour and big things happening for them! This transiton period I always seem to be in is getting exhausting the traffic jam of life is like HELLOOOOOO can we stop with the red lights???
Im ready to move forward and so is everyone around me! Can we get a green light no one wants to be sitting in idel and no one wants to be cruising at a speed thats faster then fast but a nice comfortable speed on green would be great.
My laziness yet again is getting the best of me! Its time world for me to step my game up and start using the talents I have are you ready?? i am
green light please
It is always nice to be swept off my feet and feel the days I spent in Miami. My life there was fabulous and my life here is as well. Above all it was nice to see an old aquiantice as part of the tour and big things happening for them! This transiton period I always seem to be in is getting exhausting the traffic jam of life is like HELLOOOOOO can we stop with the red lights???
Im ready to move forward and so is everyone around me! Can we get a green light no one wants to be sitting in idel and no one wants to be cruising at a speed thats faster then fast but a nice comfortable speed on green would be great.
My laziness yet again is getting the best of me! Its time world for me to step my game up and start using the talents I have are you ready?? i am
green light please
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
its going so fast!!!
You wake up and your an adult what happen to Saturday morning cartoons and when your biggest problem is that your pb & j got smushed before lunch? NOw Saturdays consit of work to pay bills. You try to escape debt after college and everyone starts getting married and we go from living at home to paying our own mortgages.
Going home to Milford always makes me feel like a kid again. My mom makes my bed cooks us all breakfast and we all sit at the table and eat together. The table use to only have 4 of us but my how we have grown!! now Chris comes with Lyndsay cause they are married, my brother is there with his GF, My dad is a regular fixture at the table now. We hardly have space for everyone. What use to be just Lyndsay and I kicking it in the back yard has become me going to her house that she owns and I'm so proud of.
I remember my parents never letting me drive their cars and giving me curfews now they say take the keys and watch out for deer. They can't really give us rules any more!! We are all on our own! Where the hell does the time go???? Im proud ofhow well we have all grown but damn
You wake up and your an adult what happen to Saturday morning cartoons and when your biggest problem is that your pb & j got smushed before lunch? NOw Saturdays consit of work to pay bills. You try to escape debt after college and everyone starts getting married and we go from living at home to paying our own mortgages.
Going home to Milford always makes me feel like a kid again. My mom makes my bed cooks us all breakfast and we all sit at the table and eat together. The table use to only have 4 of us but my how we have grown!! now Chris comes with Lyndsay cause they are married, my brother is there with his GF, My dad is a regular fixture at the table now. We hardly have space for everyone. What use to be just Lyndsay and I kicking it in the back yard has become me going to her house that she owns and I'm so proud of.
I remember my parents never letting me drive their cars and giving me curfews now they say take the keys and watch out for deer. They can't really give us rules any more!! We are all on our own! Where the hell does the time go???? Im proud ofhow well we have all grown but damn
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
virginia is for lovers
what an amazing weekend!!! my best friend married her best friend and i couldn't have planned it any better in my mind! It was a completely magical weekend all around! It was nice to escape to VA beach! I most likely would never have pinned that as a city if this event hadn't occurred so I'm glad that we did it there!
I learned about Cornhole and how difficult not eating meat can be when your traveling. We enjoyed the weekend away with friends and family its was an intimate gathering of 45-50. She wore a simple white flowy halter and he wore a white button down with cargos. Polo tees for the man of Honor and best man. I cried like a little baby way to much! Beach wedding with our toes in the sand and the waves crashing is just the way she wanted it! They have been together for 8 years and I've loved it from the start!
We danced the night away and tanned on the beaches. Getting snipped at by a crab and fish hooking her dad across the dance floor were definite highlights. But just looking at each other and seeing how much we have grown and how amazing our friendships are really puts the smile on my face.
The non traditional nature of the event made it all the more enjoyable. i can't wait to see pictures and be included in next years anniversary trip!!
I learned about Cornhole and how difficult not eating meat can be when your traveling. We enjoyed the weekend away with friends and family its was an intimate gathering of 45-50. She wore a simple white flowy halter and he wore a white button down with cargos. Polo tees for the man of Honor and best man. I cried like a little baby way to much! Beach wedding with our toes in the sand and the waves crashing is just the way she wanted it! They have been together for 8 years and I've loved it from the start!
We danced the night away and tanned on the beaches. Getting snipped at by a crab and fish hooking her dad across the dance floor were definite highlights. But just looking at each other and seeing how much we have grown and how amazing our friendships are really puts the smile on my face.
The non traditional nature of the event made it all the more enjoyable. i can't wait to see pictures and be included in next years anniversary trip!!
Sunday, June 6, 2010
tis the season
Its happening for me I think this might be the first. Lyndsay is getting married one of my closest friends is taking the I do forever vow. This Thursday I'm flying to VA beach to partake in the action. I'm really excited but its kinda eye opening at the same time. I am no where near house wedding kids and its fine with me. I am just so excited to share this special day with her. We planned this when we were 16 and she first fell for Chris who would have thought almost 9 years later it would be happening. Its very magical the idea that the first guy to sweep her off her feet at the ski lift will be walking down the sandy isle all these years later. ( ahhh sighhhh day dreaming)
I can't wait for the small close beach wedding steele drums and cake. Its going to be a really amazing weekend and I'm looking forward to spending time with my best friend as she prepares for her big day. We are gonna relax in the pool beach and just take it all in while we TAN. I don't want to call it a fairytale because she would hate that. But you know what it feels amazing and it almost feels unreal!
I can't wait for the small close beach wedding steele drums and cake. Its going to be a really amazing weekend and I'm looking forward to spending time with my best friend as she prepares for her big day. We are gonna relax in the pool beach and just take it all in while we TAN. I don't want to call it a fairytale because she would hate that. But you know what it feels amazing and it almost feels unreal!
Thursday, June 3, 2010
getting answers
Well we sometimes get the answers and they aren't the ones we want to hear. This week I got answers to posing questions and ugh i wasn't happy.
First my job opted to not approve my going to Miami for a few weeks. That was a heart breaking blow more so because I really felt like it was going to be a positive work experience. That I was gonna get some real time to shine and learn :(. But perhaps I will get a better opportunity in the winter months and get to enjoy my sunny nyc and the calexico cart for the summer time.
I also got inouch with money and her response wasn't what I wanted to hear because it was heart breaking but Im glad we responded messages and the air seems a lil more clear! still some work to do and we are gonna do it I know we are. She needs a friend and Im not gonna walk away when she needs me Im gonna break through and fix it!
First my job opted to not approve my going to Miami for a few weeks. That was a heart breaking blow more so because I really felt like it was going to be a positive work experience. That I was gonna get some real time to shine and learn :(. But perhaps I will get a better opportunity in the winter months and get to enjoy my sunny nyc and the calexico cart for the summer time.
I also got inouch with money and her response wasn't what I wanted to hear because it was heart breaking but Im glad we responded messages and the air seems a lil more clear! still some work to do and we are gonna do it I know we are. She needs a friend and Im not gonna walk away when she needs me Im gonna break through and fix it!
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
waiting around
Things don't happen to you if you sit around and wait! You need to make moves and open your mouth. Which I'm normally pretty good about so now i'm sitting and impatiently awaiting the answer from work.
My only problem is that i'm on a life waiting list of my own. I'm not sure what I want next.ugh its the worst feeling I've managed to get to the city i wanted have the perfect apartment! ( no seriously this is an NYC castle) and i love my job. But i need to know what's next... THINK DREAM find another goal hummmmmmm im gonna use my quiet time to think.
My only problem is that i'm on a life waiting list of my own. I'm not sure what I want next.ugh its the worst feeling I've managed to get to the city i wanted have the perfect apartment! ( no seriously this is an NYC castle) and i love my job. But i need to know what's next... THINK DREAM find another goal hummmmmmm im gonna use my quiet time to think.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
The karma tree
WHOA!! i had a wonderful weekend! i was home Thursday night my parents as usual rolled out the red carpet and Lyndsay allowed us to plan her Bachlorette party in MY CITY!! que rico it was a time to remember! When we woke up this morning and started talking i got to thinking something in my recap to emily later.
Karma I shared with Lyndsay how my friend Jenn got delt some bad hands at a few things. Lyndsay's reaction was well perhaps that is karma for a few of her decisions. Lyndsays thought process was well I would never do some of the things she did so thats why the negative happen to her. I simply replied was she wrong with her spirit but correct from a business end?? It always too hard to tell the two apart.
In my recap to emily I explained I don't think Karma is this simple!! Yes what goes around comes around but what about the lessons we just have to learn to grow. Not every time a guy breaks your heart is it karma not every time you dont get a job call back its Karma Sometimes WE need these negative situations to occur to build strength. Look at a tree. It doesn't do anything wrong. It just tries to grow and sometimes its unlucky and gets stuck in a hurrican but if it survives now it is a taller stronger tree then the lil wimpy vine that only made it through the rain storm.
It may seem silly but sometimes even good people need to get some tough situations to occur to them in order to really become stronger better more independent people. Im not the greatest person and Ive been really lucky getting to follow my dreams and have some of them handed to me. And i have also gone through some really difficult and draining times both mentally and physically and emotionally. Did i deserve a few sure but lots of them I think have molded me to be a strong independent women noow thats just about loving life and having a good time :) So the Karma tree makes sense I believe.
Karma I shared with Lyndsay how my friend Jenn got delt some bad hands at a few things. Lyndsay's reaction was well perhaps that is karma for a few of her decisions. Lyndsays thought process was well I would never do some of the things she did so thats why the negative happen to her. I simply replied was she wrong with her spirit but correct from a business end?? It always too hard to tell the two apart.
In my recap to emily I explained I don't think Karma is this simple!! Yes what goes around comes around but what about the lessons we just have to learn to grow. Not every time a guy breaks your heart is it karma not every time you dont get a job call back its Karma Sometimes WE need these negative situations to occur to build strength. Look at a tree. It doesn't do anything wrong. It just tries to grow and sometimes its unlucky and gets stuck in a hurrican but if it survives now it is a taller stronger tree then the lil wimpy vine that only made it through the rain storm.
It may seem silly but sometimes even good people need to get some tough situations to occur to them in order to really become stronger better more independent people. Im not the greatest person and Ive been really lucky getting to follow my dreams and have some of them handed to me. And i have also gone through some really difficult and draining times both mentally and physically and emotionally. Did i deserve a few sure but lots of them I think have molded me to be a strong independent women noow thats just about loving life and having a good time :) So the Karma tree makes sense I believe.
Monday, May 17, 2010
feliz cumpleanos papi!
its May 17th!! its my dads birthday! happy 70th papi! yup 70 years my dad has been blessing this earth! my father is the one that gave me my tough exterior and the desire to work hard! he says only lazy people work while they are sitting and if you can't find it and and i can then im going ot hit you with it! My father never has never believed in racism or gender roles. My father has taught me the importance of seeing everyone for who they are. He has reminded me the blessing of forgivness and compasion as we all struggle with different situations and emotions. My father has pushed me in many directions and has forever supported what makes me smile.
He introducted me to the yankees, basketball, horseback riding and the joy of cooking. He constantly reminds me how great my mother is and how proud of me he is. I'd be lost without my dad. he went through so many struggles in his lifetime and has ensured that i didn't go through half. He many not be able to protect me from every situation in the moment like he could when i was 5. But Him instilling honesty, strength the ability to try and try again , my positive attitude and bright smile ( him and my mommy created) IM GOOD !!
life isn't easy for kids or for parents but you make it work! You find the perfect flow and as we get older we appreciate our parents more and looking back im very happy my dad thought i was a little boy and made me chop wood, change the oil in the car and get my hands dirty. I will learn to speak spanish dad i promise!!! Thats the one and only mistake my dad ever made that has impacted me but Hey dad we can't win them all!!! I love you today yesterday and forever and ever thank you for being you!!!
He introducted me to the yankees, basketball, horseback riding and the joy of cooking. He constantly reminds me how great my mother is and how proud of me he is. I'd be lost without my dad. he went through so many struggles in his lifetime and has ensured that i didn't go through half. He many not be able to protect me from every situation in the moment like he could when i was 5. But Him instilling honesty, strength the ability to try and try again , my positive attitude and bright smile ( him and my mommy created) IM GOOD !!
life isn't easy for kids or for parents but you make it work! You find the perfect flow and as we get older we appreciate our parents more and looking back im very happy my dad thought i was a little boy and made me chop wood, change the oil in the car and get my hands dirty. I will learn to speak spanish dad i promise!!! Thats the one and only mistake my dad ever made that has impacted me but Hey dad we can't win them all!!! I love you today yesterday and forever and ever thank you for being you!!!
im up and ready to take on the world!!! except my swollen ankle from last thursday night doesn't want me to :( my bad foot again in swollen and cut :/ happen in a club again how ironic! otherwise life is good.
Lyndsay is getting married this time next month and her bach party this weekend is gonna be great! we are going home to see my mom and visit some other high school biddies!!! i can't wait!!! we are going to have a great time here in NYC! Its gonna be so fun to have the Milford girls in NYC! Especially since they never come!
Im gonna go start this fabulous day now!!! xoxoxox
Lyndsay is getting married this time next month and her bach party this weekend is gonna be great! we are going home to see my mom and visit some other high school biddies!!! i can't wait!!! we are going to have a great time here in NYC! Its gonna be so fun to have the Milford girls in NYC! Especially since they never come!
Im gonna go start this fabulous day now!!! xoxoxox
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Monday, May 10, 2010
deals on wheels
NYC continues to over whelm and surprise me almost every single day! There isn't a day that's past that i haven't had some sort of surprise or discovery or something amazing has happened. My luck as we all know when its up its sky high when its not well we know i resort to tears the fetal position and chocolate. Well ladies and gents Im up on the cloud right now!! Flying high!!
NYC discovery to make me smile : 252 Broome JIN Japanese cuisine Its perfect its sushi they have happy hour rolls for $3 and above all i love the atmoshere. Its nestled in walking distance to mi casa or just 1 stop on the F to Delancy. Even though the $3 rolls aren't huge I really just enjoy this lil hide away it "so new york" as they say small quiet trendy and the service is good.
NYC makes me smile when i get my hair done in china town for $13 and my back was killing me so the massage i got today with the hair really helped!
i had a Monday off so after hair and sushi i went to whole foods to purchase this tofu the girls have been trying to get me to love. I'm not a fan of the texture so i purchased extra firm! lets see how this goes... How the hell am i gonna prepare it??? I'm on day 35 pescetarian and I'm still into it!! the palate enjoys the change but i need to get more creative now so my new tofu and goat cheese purchases need to jazz things up!
i did almost shed a tear today as i missed out on the jet blue $10 seat sale :( i thought i was hitting it back to the MIA or the chi but its didn't really work out that way i just miss my friends is all NYC i heart you and your over priced wallgreens prices and street food that i can't resist and guys that look oh so scrumptious but i need a beach flip flops and tanning oil
NYC discovery to make me smile : 252 Broome JIN Japanese cuisine Its perfect its sushi they have happy hour rolls for $3 and above all i love the atmoshere. Its nestled in walking distance to mi casa or just 1 stop on the F to Delancy. Even though the $3 rolls aren't huge I really just enjoy this lil hide away it "so new york" as they say small quiet trendy and the service is good.
NYC makes me smile when i get my hair done in china town for $13 and my back was killing me so the massage i got today with the hair really helped!
i had a Monday off so after hair and sushi i went to whole foods to purchase this tofu the girls have been trying to get me to love. I'm not a fan of the texture so i purchased extra firm! lets see how this goes... How the hell am i gonna prepare it??? I'm on day 35 pescetarian and I'm still into it!! the palate enjoys the change but i need to get more creative now so my new tofu and goat cheese purchases need to jazz things up!
i did almost shed a tear today as i missed out on the jet blue $10 seat sale :( i thought i was hitting it back to the MIA or the chi but its didn't really work out that way i just miss my friends is all NYC i heart you and your over priced wallgreens prices and street food that i can't resist and guys that look oh so scrumptious but i need a beach flip flops and tanning oil
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Miami was a blast it went by too fast but i always love going to see my love monsters. We drank on the roof top jet skiied and enjoyed many hugs along with fun in the sun!!!
but what was an insane and gross discovery was the black head that i had!! ewwww i have had it forever!!!! like literally for ever i thought that this was a MOLE yes a mole!!! Maybe at one point i thought it was an ingrown hair but since it never popped and picking did nothing i assumed i grew a mole. NOPE vikki loves to pic so as i returned from the bathroom vik points and asks what is that?? OMG its a blackhead and starts squeezing it! She loves to pick and squeeze and omg it just starts oozing and ozzing!!! Sooo gross so cool in a gross way but the damn thing is lingering. i mean on 3 separate occasions in the last 2 days we have squeezed and pus comes out!! its like never ending gross!!! but im glad a discovered it because the ugly black spot in gone!!!! wooohooooo
xoxox hope you love my gross LOL
but what was an insane and gross discovery was the black head that i had!! ewwww i have had it forever!!!! like literally for ever i thought that this was a MOLE yes a mole!!! Maybe at one point i thought it was an ingrown hair but since it never popped and picking did nothing i assumed i grew a mole. NOPE vikki loves to pic so as i returned from the bathroom vik points and asks what is that?? OMG its a blackhead and starts squeezing it! She loves to pick and squeeze and omg it just starts oozing and ozzing!!! Sooo gross so cool in a gross way but the damn thing is lingering. i mean on 3 separate occasions in the last 2 days we have squeezed and pus comes out!! its like never ending gross!!! but im glad a discovered it because the ugly black spot in gone!!!! wooohooooo
xoxox hope you love my gross LOL
Sunday, April 25, 2010
sushi, granola, yogat, smile, dancing, miami, red, stars 10, boys, reggaton, mi primas y primos, fairy tales and cute boys sun sets that become sun rises, the mean green, ice pops and lolli pops, 12 7 84 jamba juice, que, pay y amor, panama, oh my god shoes, black bean borritos love friends day time naps with the sun on your face, celery and blue chesse,bones, drake, bbm, henny con cranberry, adidas, 3 stripes 510 , ninja powers, kisses , family, fotos the karadisans, smell money in the bank, salt water, boats , boys boys boys, lol, hair, puerto rico, dade county, yankees, facebook, laughing , lyndsay, color, clothes, milford and the list goes on and on and on
all i need in my life is the warm sun on my face tanning oil on my skin and a bathing suit! i don't even really need the towel as long as i can feel the warmth of the sun bronzing my skin im good. Itll be nice to have the salty water touch upon my lips and quench my thirst with a forsty beverage.
This conrete jungle is a tough place thr thrive it rains its cold its hot and sunny and shit its true people are out for self. Not me though i smile truck on through and never let someone steal my piece of sunshine
the sunshine i make and the sun kissing against my skin either way ive got a koolaide smile and a positive thought brewing in my mind.
aooooowwwwwww im a miami girl
This conrete jungle is a tough place thr thrive it rains its cold its hot and sunny and shit its true people are out for self. Not me though i smile truck on through and never let someone steal my piece of sunshine
the sunshine i make and the sun kissing against my skin either way ive got a koolaide smile and a positive thought brewing in my mind.
aooooowwwwwww im a miami girl
Saturday, April 17, 2010
when a sign appears
We all look for "signs" we often get caught between our head and our hearts. So then we resort to asking for a sign a little something to let us know which one to follow. Some times these signs are few and far between but there are those times when they are as vivid as a stop sign!
Angie congrats for getting your sign! We may not all be as lucky to get them as clear but... we get them in strange little ways so we all need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Like andrea has been saying it is what it is... let it be that. There is no need to over look these "signs" just roll with the punches ladies. Stay positive and true to yourself the rest seems to work its way out!!
live sincere live positive and smile... it'll work i promise
Angie congrats for getting your sign! We may not all be as lucky to get them as clear but... we get them in strange little ways so we all need to wake up and smell the coffee.
Like andrea has been saying it is what it is... let it be that. There is no need to over look these "signs" just roll with the punches ladies. Stay positive and true to yourself the rest seems to work its way out!!
live sincere live positive and smile... it'll work i promise
Sunday, April 11, 2010
when is enough enough???? How do we know when limits are pushed whether it be ours or someone elses??? How do you signal to someone that you just can't deal anymore be it the situation in the moment or the situation in general. Its no secret people grow apart. The fabulous thing about this life is that it is a mystery and we are creatures that are ever changing and ever evolving. I read once that life is a mystery that relationships are mysteries.
That due to the fact that every situation changes us we never really know who we are or who they are. Its not scary its beautiful the thought that every day we are changing in a positive manner is amazing. Some people unfortunately are not as socially developed to be able to prosper but rather try to bring others down. What happens when friends make you feel down??? how do you approach? how do you know its time to take a step back from someones selfishness???
That due to the fact that every situation changes us we never really know who we are or who they are. Its not scary its beautiful the thought that every day we are changing in a positive manner is amazing. Some people unfortunately are not as socially developed to be able to prosper but rather try to bring others down. What happens when friends make you feel down??? how do you approach? how do you know its time to take a step back from someones selfishness???
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Monday, April 5, 2010
heart to heart
Unconditional love~
where the hell does it come from? where is this idea of love everlasting created and how does the feeling swim so deep in your heart? I don't get it are we are pre-programed with this unconditional love for family? Do you love the father you never knew just because everyone around you loves their dads? Does the mother that can't seem to get it together loose your unconditional love because your tired? Tired of being hurt and disappointed? What about your siblings? are they even people you would befriend in life had you been given the option? Whats so special ? why do we love them too the moon and back for as long as forever? All because the same blood pumps through our veins? Thank you mom for the birth canal but if she doesn't live up to your expectations does the unconditional change???
I love my family and i know why I love them. I also know that they upset me and some of them have hurt me. I also just wonder where this love comes from! we fall in and out of love with boyfriends and friends but whats sooo strong about this family love???
I met my cousins for the first time as adults and I love them I instantly want to protect them and guide them hug and kiss them. My brother who i adore and have been heart broken in the past when he was not around recently pissed me off! I mean really crossed the line with his behavior. So much it made me stop and think.... I wouldn't allow any friends or any boyfriend to treat me like this... so why the hell is he??? Do i accept it because he is family??? i mean I told him but the question lingers in the air when is enough enough????
where the hell does it come from? where is this idea of love everlasting created and how does the feeling swim so deep in your heart? I don't get it are we are pre-programed with this unconditional love for family? Do you love the father you never knew just because everyone around you loves their dads? Does the mother that can't seem to get it together loose your unconditional love because your tired? Tired of being hurt and disappointed? What about your siblings? are they even people you would befriend in life had you been given the option? Whats so special ? why do we love them too the moon and back for as long as forever? All because the same blood pumps through our veins? Thank you mom for the birth canal but if she doesn't live up to your expectations does the unconditional change???
I love my family and i know why I love them. I also know that they upset me and some of them have hurt me. I also just wonder where this love comes from! we fall in and out of love with boyfriends and friends but whats sooo strong about this family love???
I met my cousins for the first time as adults and I love them I instantly want to protect them and guide them hug and kiss them. My brother who i adore and have been heart broken in the past when he was not around recently pissed me off! I mean really crossed the line with his behavior. So much it made me stop and think.... I wouldn't allow any friends or any boyfriend to treat me like this... so why the hell is he??? Do i accept it because he is family??? i mean I told him but the question lingers in the air when is enough enough????
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Welcome to my Puerto Rico

Monday, March 29, 2010
wise old owl
Sometimes it is just what it is.
A feeling someone gives you butterflies because its a reminder of how special something can be.
No need for us to over annalze every moment.
At 23 you should be content with dating and meeting people face to face. I don't think any fairytale had a princess on her laptop at midnight searching for a man. I also know no princess was working 2 jobs and going to school. let it happen in time.
don't be taken back when someone offers you good advice everyone comes in your life for different reasons be greatful
its okay to forgive and be friends with someone that hurt you but keep your gaurd up and don't let them in your safe zone; moving on is tough especially after love but don't dwell take the lessons be a good person and well don't give them the opportunity to hurt you
whats drama???
love hurts its hard it smells it feels great but its not a hobby or something to obsess over it happens in time and remember there are different loves for different people
let it out! share it with the world on some level or another
A feeling someone gives you butterflies because its a reminder of how special something can be.
No need for us to over annalze every moment.
At 23 you should be content with dating and meeting people face to face. I don't think any fairytale had a princess on her laptop at midnight searching for a man. I also know no princess was working 2 jobs and going to school. let it happen in time.
don't be taken back when someone offers you good advice everyone comes in your life for different reasons be greatful
its okay to forgive and be friends with someone that hurt you but keep your gaurd up and don't let them in your safe zone; moving on is tough especially after love but don't dwell take the lessons be a good person and well don't give them the opportunity to hurt you
whats drama???
love hurts its hard it smells it feels great but its not a hobby or something to obsess over it happens in time and remember there are different loves for different people
let it out! share it with the world on some level or another
Friday, March 26, 2010
paz y amor
You dont get to pick your family. you don't get to change who you were born to and who else is in your tree. Some of us never know the people so they say those of us who have any kinda of relationship with the people in our tree should be consider it a blessing. I always have or at least recently. ive explored more into the love of family i felt hurt when i was younger bothered by things that occured. It was never as bad as it could have been. Never have I had to live through the things my parents lived through and fought to keep me from.
Puerto Rico was a deep emotional ride. 1 week 1 house 1 family. 1 big mess for some 1 big deep breath of fresh air for others. My girlie prima lindas and I really bonded although they speak spanish i speak english we made it work. i truly have a love for those girls. Because of who they are and i will make sure to protect them as much as i can. Not with my muscles or strength from someone but with my positivity towards life. I have been blessed to be positive and be lucky enough to have common sense and the will the smile the sense to know whats right and wrong. i can take advice and give advice a friend once said I don't know who i am but i know who im not. i believe it it live it ive shared that thought.
In english or in spanish my thoughts will be paz y amor peace and love.
Puerto Rico was a deep emotional ride. 1 week 1 house 1 family. 1 big mess for some 1 big deep breath of fresh air for others. My girlie prima lindas and I really bonded although they speak spanish i speak english we made it work. i truly have a love for those girls. Because of who they are and i will make sure to protect them as much as i can. Not with my muscles or strength from someone but with my positivity towards life. I have been blessed to be positive and be lucky enough to have common sense and the will the smile the sense to know whats right and wrong. i can take advice and give advice a friend once said I don't know who i am but i know who im not. i believe it it live it ive shared that thought.
In english or in spanish my thoughts will be paz y amor peace and love.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
just excited about spending a week with my brother in puerto rico...
this week ive felt much disappointment from people not being able to be respectful and keep plans. Or my friends not realizing I need them to do the things they committed too! But im working on getting over the emotional attachment i have felt to disappointment. it is urking that not everyone can just not be a douche bag sometimes. Im not looking at it as me being selfish about time but rather that people should be considerate enough to keep the plans they committed too!!!
this week ive felt much disappointment from people not being able to be respectful and keep plans. Or my friends not realizing I need them to do the things they committed too! But im working on getting over the emotional attachment i have felt to disappointment. it is urking that not everyone can just not be a douche bag sometimes. Im not looking at it as me being selfish about time but rather that people should be considerate enough to keep the plans they committed too!!!
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
the spring is coming the spring is coming
aoooowwww if you don't like confrontation why do you allow it to exist???? why can't you own up to actions?? some people are weak! thats what it is thats the answer when you can't own up!!! be honest the truth sets you free. YOu would smile more if you were more honest and you would feel better inside. I wear my heart on my sleeve and I can take my shirt off and feel great!
GO TO YOGA GO TO THE GYM RUN do what makes you feel free!! but why is honesty such a rare quality??? does it take that much strength self esteem and selflessness that you can't provide? LIVE IN REALITY!! don't hurt people around you it hurts yourself at the end. You live miserable when you do wrong to others. Ive surrounded myself with many amazing people and spent some time weeding out the unnecessary and I thank EMILY for always being on my page and opening my eyes to friendship reality and self worth! shes not the only one reinstiling the faith in humanity keas love tish's reminders, katies smiles, erika always being around Vikki with the best follow ups! I mean I'm lucky but Emily going through this breakup has been refreshing to me as well!
NYC was beautiful today I'm ready for summer I'm ready to walk with my toes out aooowwwwww life is good. i feel great wok is great i vacation often i love true and i hug from the heart! can anyone see how happy i am ??? lol
GO TO YOGA GO TO THE GYM RUN do what makes you feel free!! but why is honesty such a rare quality??? does it take that much strength self esteem and selflessness that you can't provide? LIVE IN REALITY!! don't hurt people around you it hurts yourself at the end. You live miserable when you do wrong to others. Ive surrounded myself with many amazing people and spent some time weeding out the unnecessary and I thank EMILY for always being on my page and opening my eyes to friendship reality and self worth! shes not the only one reinstiling the faith in humanity keas love tish's reminders, katies smiles, erika always being around Vikki with the best follow ups! I mean I'm lucky but Emily going through this breakup has been refreshing to me as well!
NYC was beautiful today I'm ready for summer I'm ready to walk with my toes out aooowwwwww life is good. i feel great wok is great i vacation often i love true and i hug from the heart! can anyone see how happy i am ??? lol
Monday, March 8, 2010
its out there
.......sigh...... yes things are still good they keep getting better! I mean I can always use more money who couldn't but I am sooo excited I will be in PUERTO RICO on the 17th for the first time in 12 years!!!! actually more like 13 years!!! I am sooo excited I can't sit still It'll be the first time all the kids on my mothers side are all there at once and with each other. It will also be the first time some of them meet. I am the oldest I know all of them except my Primas new baby boy!!!
My friends keep me pumped to CT was wonderful this weekend and Im looking forward to Miami in April to hug more of my love muffins. I've been just putting it all out there my raw emotions and well if people respond positive Im happy. Im not scared of hiding under a rock! I love life I really do and I love to hug I love to laugh and be all gay and corney. Yeah sometimes Im a little to hood for my own good. But above all I appreciate you for you
My friends keep me pumped to CT was wonderful this weekend and Im looking forward to Miami in April to hug more of my love muffins. I've been just putting it all out there my raw emotions and well if people respond positive Im happy. Im not scared of hiding under a rock! I love life I really do and I love to hug I love to laugh and be all gay and corney. Yeah sometimes Im a little to hood for my own good. But above all I appreciate you for you
Friday, March 5, 2010
at the age
Im learning Im still learning every single day things that I assumed you learn early on. Im learning about I often times get walked over trying to be the "nice one" I want everone to just smile and I always think people have these big huge hearts. WRONG!! I am learning not to throw terms around like "FRIEND" and it hurts my heart.
It funny thought how sometimes the people that help point out these lessons are infact guilty of hurting you in those same ways. I always post and walk around with this smile because I have always felt loved and blessed. My smile wont change just because some people shinned a fake smle my way. They may not have had MY best interest at heart the way I had their's. But its cool I'm happier now then i've been in a lil bit. The lessons I've learned have opened my eyes and my ears to listen more closely to the voice inside others. I will not be mistaken I will not be walked over and i will not loose my faith that people are good. They smile they laugh they love! As do i my heart is not closed its not an ice box its stronger. These moments have been like my heart at the gym stronger and bigger. HA now if only my abs were stronger LOL
Life is good I still believe in the fairytales the happy endings and the above all good even if some couldn't show that to me.
It funny thought how sometimes the people that help point out these lessons are infact guilty of hurting you in those same ways. I always post and walk around with this smile because I have always felt loved and blessed. My smile wont change just because some people shinned a fake smle my way. They may not have had MY best interest at heart the way I had their's. But its cool I'm happier now then i've been in a lil bit. The lessons I've learned have opened my eyes and my ears to listen more closely to the voice inside others. I will not be mistaken I will not be walked over and i will not loose my faith that people are good. They smile they laugh they love! As do i my heart is not closed its not an ice box its stronger. These moments have been like my heart at the gym stronger and bigger. HA now if only my abs were stronger LOL
Life is good I still believe in the fairytales the happy endings and the above all good even if some couldn't show that to me.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
laughs looking back
I love the show Bones!!! I can't get enough of her quirky humor and his Patriotic spirit! Its too funny I love watching it after work and I can cruise past the commericals. Last night they were sharing embarrassing Childhood stories. Times that other children embarrassed them. KIDS ARE TRULY CRUEL. I wonder where we learn it from to be soo mean. Looking back I had my own stories that would make a 10 year old cry. I aso did my fair share of teasing. But as I was blowing my nose one story in particular came to mind. As I shared this with my roomie he suggested i go to therapy LOL.
In the 6th grade your not allow to just leave class you need to ask every time you want to use the bathroom. Some evil teachers would say ,"NO" since they assumed you were roaming the halls and not actually relieving yourself. STUPID teachers can really cause some of these issues were you get teased. For me when I was younger I would get really terrible head colds and get a filled up with mucus. My step-mother and father ALWAYS sent me to school. Well my runny nose was soo embarrassing and at the time I had no idea how to control my blowing. I would have to stand in the back of the class and blow my runny snotty nose and it would be soooooo LOUD and last well what seemed like forever!! I hated it sometimes I would be asked to step outside the door. but not go to the bathroom down the end of the hall. Great! let me stand in the hall way where there are only a few passer bys and it ECHOS!! ugh mortified what was worse was then they starting calling me SNOT NOSE :( Hey snot nose!! Hey are you gonna blow your nose some more :( it wasn't my fault at the time I didn't know how too. SHIT even now I find my self blowing and blowing.
Kids are cruel like really mean this was just one of the many. I know as we grow older and wiser we befriend each other and grow away from the snont nose days. Its funny that some of those kids are good friends to me know. BUT still SNOT NOSE :(
In the 6th grade your not allow to just leave class you need to ask every time you want to use the bathroom. Some evil teachers would say ,"NO" since they assumed you were roaming the halls and not actually relieving yourself. STUPID teachers can really cause some of these issues were you get teased. For me when I was younger I would get really terrible head colds and get a filled up with mucus. My step-mother and father ALWAYS sent me to school. Well my runny nose was soo embarrassing and at the time I had no idea how to control my blowing. I would have to stand in the back of the class and blow my runny snotty nose and it would be soooooo LOUD and last well what seemed like forever!! I hated it sometimes I would be asked to step outside the door. but not go to the bathroom down the end of the hall. Great! let me stand in the hall way where there are only a few passer bys and it ECHOS!! ugh mortified what was worse was then they starting calling me SNOT NOSE :( Hey snot nose!! Hey are you gonna blow your nose some more :( it wasn't my fault at the time I didn't know how too. SHIT even now I find my self blowing and blowing.
Kids are cruel like really mean this was just one of the many. I know as we grow older and wiser we befriend each other and grow away from the snont nose days. Its funny that some of those kids are good friends to me know. BUT still SNOT NOSE :(
Saturday, January 23, 2010
speeding bullet
just thoughts just lots and lots of random thoughts>>>>>> Sometimes life takes you by storm... Its moving at a rapid pace and it doens't seem to want to slow down>>> it doesn't seem to care if you are keeping up or getting sucked under by the under current.
I am 25 eeeekkk
my best friend is getting married this year eeeekkkk
I have been in my cell phone conrtact with Star for 5 years now
Im already going to Panama for visit #2
My stay in New York is real and I've been here a year Feb 13th
I have been out of college so long I know Im not going back at this point
Why is it occuring soooo quickly??? Christmas passed another birthday Tax season is here again! Is Mcdonalds going to offer the infamously disgusting buy 1 get 1 for a penny deal again??
My step sister has a 2 year old daughter....... no kids on deck for me any time soon
Life why are you moving sooo fast???? i need more time to smell the roses and observe the scene around me!!!
I am 25 eeeekkk
my best friend is getting married this year eeeekkkk
I have been in my cell phone conrtact with Star for 5 years now
Im already going to Panama for visit #2
My stay in New York is real and I've been here a year Feb 13th
I have been out of college so long I know Im not going back at this point
Why is it occuring soooo quickly??? Christmas passed another birthday Tax season is here again! Is Mcdonalds going to offer the infamously disgusting buy 1 get 1 for a penny deal again??
My step sister has a 2 year old daughter....... no kids on deck for me any time soon
Life why are you moving sooo fast???? i need more time to smell the roses and observe the scene around me!!!
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