good things and great style do come to those who wait patiently!!!!!
here I come SUMMER WEDGES, SKIRTS... handbags ahhhh my bed and I POD!!!! whooo hoooooo
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
Stylish words to live by
on the money
Anxiety could get the Best of you, Its important to remember your fears are imaginary. They are based on the assumption that only bad things will happen. By adopting a more positive attitude you'll attract the love, luck and money you desire. Signing up for a course could be one of the smartest tings you'll do all month. People will see you have a hidden talent for playing music, fixing gadgets or mastering complicated concepts.
This was my horoscope today. Lately they have been right on the money. This one on the right path
I have been super nervous about my financial situation as my phone rings every morning at 8:18 am and its Sallie Mae asking for part of the 50K i borrowed for college. No I don't have more then I paid yesterday!! Please take a number and wait in line till I call you back with some dollars! I've been paying her what I can when I can... Be patient I'll be paying you for the next 15 years!!!!
Today my concerns were slightly solved I got hired at adidas Originals again at a higher rate then SLVR. So I am excited but hope that I did not exhaust my adidas connection too early as the other mysterious job I have yet to disclose called me back today for the phone interview. I am awaiting my background check ( please don't ask Sallie Mae about me) and after the check is the offer... then I sign on the line!!!!!
I've really got my fingers crossed I am pleased with my adidas pay increase but I'm looking more long term salaried here at the other position. But I have been sitting positive and I have been awaiting and my every prayer has been answered lately!!
As for the signing up for a school course not just yet I can't afford the 5 years I just finished. But I have been looking into taking spanish lessons. ( its about time)
This was my horoscope today. Lately they have been right on the money. This one on the right path
I have been super nervous about my financial situation as my phone rings every morning at 8:18 am and its Sallie Mae asking for part of the 50K i borrowed for college. No I don't have more then I paid yesterday!! Please take a number and wait in line till I call you back with some dollars! I've been paying her what I can when I can... Be patient I'll be paying you for the next 15 years!!!!
Today my concerns were slightly solved I got hired at adidas Originals again at a higher rate then SLVR. So I am excited but hope that I did not exhaust my adidas connection too early as the other mysterious job I have yet to disclose called me back today for the phone interview. I am awaiting my background check ( please don't ask Sallie Mae about me) and after the check is the offer... then I sign on the line!!!!!
I've really got my fingers crossed I am pleased with my adidas pay increase but I'm looking more long term salaried here at the other position. But I have been sitting positive and I have been awaiting and my every prayer has been answered lately!!
As for the signing up for a school course not just yet I can't afford the 5 years I just finished. But I have been looking into taking spanish lessons. ( its about time)
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
bed please
I NEED A BED!!!!!! Can someone please donate or send one.. I'll even take a coupon or some direction as to where I can get one for a HUGE discounted rate. I paid in Miami 200$ for a full size mattress with Box spring here its $600.... I don't have that right now!!!!
AHHHHH my neck and back are starting to hurt
AHHHHH my neck and back are starting to hurt
Train Chronicals
My train rides tend to be particularly interesting.. Sometimes I run into people I know those are my favorite rides but there are always interesting people. This evening as I headed to the gym to get myself prepared for Summer Sun on the 6 train uptown. There was an Asian woman sitting across from me and she was practicing her citizenship interview. She was armed with a packet in both English and her native language. She politely tapped the love birds next to her to help her study. As she pointed to the paper they read her the English question and she responded with the correct answer. She didn't appear to really understand their English she seemed to have memorized the question and answers. She had memorized so well that when they asked her to sign she mimicked in the air signing on the dotted line.
I don't know how I feel about the situation ...... I definitely think she should learn English not memorize answers if she wants to live here and be part of this country. But it is nice to see that each person that sat down next to her helped her study as she pointed and answered. She never did seem to ask them in English she communicated by pointing down her packet through the pages.
I don't know how I feel about the situation ...... I definitely think she should learn English not memorize answers if she wants to live here and be part of this country. But it is nice to see that each person that sat down next to her helped her study as she pointed and answered. She never did seem to ask them in English she communicated by pointing down her packet through the pages.
Today I am smiling
I smile because I am happy
I smile since I do not have swine flu
I smile because I am eating well
I smile because the weather is amazing
I smile because I have a loving family
I smile because my friends make me smile
I smile because I have a job I HAVE 2
I smile because my pay rate does not make me who I am
I smile because you don't make me frown
I smile becasue I am HELENAS and I LOVE ME
I smile because the summer is going to be magical
I smile because I live in New York City
I smile because I have big dreams and I am fullfilling them
Keep smiling and passing the smiles its contagious :)
I smile because I am happy
I smile since I do not have swine flu
I smile because I am eating well
I smile because the weather is amazing
I smile because I have a loving family
I smile because my friends make me smile
I smile because I have a job I HAVE 2
I smile because my pay rate does not make me who I am
I smile because you don't make me frown
I smile becasue I am HELENAS and I LOVE ME
I smile because the summer is going to be magical
I smile because I live in New York City
I smile because I have big dreams and I am fullfilling them
Keep smiling and passing the smiles its contagious :)
Free Yourself
It reaches that time that day when you just realize that you have had enough! There is that moment when time stands still everything plays in front of you.As you watch the slide show play ; the years and months reflect past you in a matter of moments and then when its done playing..... you simply are finished.
There is no searching for an answer or looking for closure. It occurred you found in deep in yourself. you were the one that discovered it inside you. Not him or anyone else. His unfortunate actions cause you to have to find this feeling and your friends guided you to where it might be.
However,ultimately you are the one that has had enough. The long ride is over and the waves can stop. the constant sickness and seesaw affection is done. You are empowered you are alive! You are rejuvenated by the sights scent and sounds deep in your soul.
The pain is gone just as the past is gone. You learn not to dwell not to exert energy into the negative. what was once.... was.... and what will be is still ahead. The past is sitting right where it belongs behind you located beneath a rock you can't find a door with no key. Ahead lies a beautiful wonderful flower filled journey.
A path that lights up as you smile each morning. A path that is filled with good honest support and noun answered questions. A path that can not and will not be trampled by anything or anyone that does not exemplify positivity and prosperity. You are no longer sleeping or needing to walk with shades on. Remove the hater blockers there is no hate in the air. Out with the negative and its negative lackeys and move forward with a new day!
As you are the maker of your fortune as you are the lover in your life. Some people are meant to stay for a moment and others are meant to be there for a life time. You unfortunately can not pick and choose whom want to stay and whom want to go. However, you are the keeper of the gate to your heart. You determine who stays and when its time for them to go. Free you self by freeing them!
At the end just smile and remember to Love yourself before you love someone else! As the mystery continues to unravel
There is no searching for an answer or looking for closure. It occurred you found in deep in yourself. you were the one that discovered it inside you. Not him or anyone else. His unfortunate actions cause you to have to find this feeling and your friends guided you to where it might be.
However,ultimately you are the one that has had enough. The long ride is over and the waves can stop. the constant sickness and seesaw affection is done. You are empowered you are alive! You are rejuvenated by the sights scent and sounds deep in your soul.
The pain is gone just as the past is gone. You learn not to dwell not to exert energy into the negative. what was once.... was.... and what will be is still ahead. The past is sitting right where it belongs behind you located beneath a rock you can't find a door with no key. Ahead lies a beautiful wonderful flower filled journey.
A path that lights up as you smile each morning. A path that is filled with good honest support and noun answered questions. A path that can not and will not be trampled by anything or anyone that does not exemplify positivity and prosperity. You are no longer sleeping or needing to walk with shades on. Remove the hater blockers there is no hate in the air. Out with the negative and its negative lackeys and move forward with a new day!
As you are the maker of your fortune as you are the lover in your life. Some people are meant to stay for a moment and others are meant to be there for a life time. You unfortunately can not pick and choose whom want to stay and whom want to go. However, you are the keeper of the gate to your heart. You determine who stays and when its time for them to go. Free you self by freeing them!
At the end just smile and remember to Love yourself before you love someone else! As the mystery continues to unravel
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Sunday Fun day
Today was a fabulous day in the city just what the doctor ordered! The weather was warm and sunny in New York and the streets were littered with People. Everyone was dressed in their new spring outfits. Skirts and bright colors were everywhere today. I was not in my spring attire but I was just fine.
My day started off by visiting my friend Shauncie and hanging with her and her family. Her little daughter is precious and we spent the morning reading books while Shauncie cleaned up the house. As we started our day in Brooklyn there were wash and sets followed by a lovely late lunch. We ate at this cute little spot the Burrito Bar located on Flatbush and Prospect. We sat outside with the kids and the food was really good. I enjoyed Chicken tacos, she had the shrimp and the kids ate wings and fries. The guacamole was awesome and very fresh with big chunks just the way I like it! Little baby Sydney unfortunately knocked the table and all the waters went flying. But all she did was water the plants. They had given us plastic cups...very smart.
While we ate I was able to catch up with Shauncie about how I could get ahead in New York. Shes a great resource as she has lots of connections and is street savvy. We discussed how to get a higher salary, some places I might want to look for jobs and she even offered me some money saving fashion tips. She is by far one of my favorite people to see dressed up! At J Crew, Club Monaco , Pottery barn, Apple and a few other stores if you flash your student ID you get discounts. I thought that was the best news I had heard all day!
It was just nice to sit out side and enjoy the weather catch up with an old friend and just relax. I firmly believe in Sunday fun day and it being a day to just relax. This just confirms that the summer is going to be spectacular here in New York. I am however looking for a weekend getaway in Miami soon
My day started off by visiting my friend Shauncie and hanging with her and her family. Her little daughter is precious and we spent the morning reading books while Shauncie cleaned up the house. As we started our day in Brooklyn there were wash and sets followed by a lovely late lunch. We ate at this cute little spot the Burrito Bar located on Flatbush and Prospect. We sat outside with the kids and the food was really good. I enjoyed Chicken tacos, she had the shrimp and the kids ate wings and fries. The guacamole was awesome and very fresh with big chunks just the way I like it! Little baby Sydney unfortunately knocked the table and all the waters went flying. But all she did was water the plants. They had given us plastic cups...very smart.
While we ate I was able to catch up with Shauncie about how I could get ahead in New York. Shes a great resource as she has lots of connections and is street savvy. We discussed how to get a higher salary, some places I might want to look for jobs and she even offered me some money saving fashion tips. She is by far one of my favorite people to see dressed up! At J Crew, Club Monaco , Pottery barn, Apple and a few other stores if you flash your student ID you get discounts. I thought that was the best news I had heard all day!
It was just nice to sit out side and enjoy the weather catch up with an old friend and just relax. I firmly believe in Sunday fun day and it being a day to just relax. This just confirms that the summer is going to be spectacular here in New York. I am however looking for a weekend getaway in Miami soon
Saturday, April 25, 2009
I interviewed with a company that will remain namless until the job is mine!!!
The interview went very well! It was the first interview that I was relaxed for and that I really left like I put myself and my skills on display properly. I practiced in my head and I think I really got it together! They asked the average questions about work and my skill set. They asked me what type of manager I think I am and my reply was<> I would like to think that my mentor trained me well. I have such high standards for the type of people I expect to work under therefore I project that to people under me.
i gg baby crying
The interview went very well! It was the first interview that I was relaxed for and that I really left like I put myself and my skills on display properly. I practiced in my head and I think I really got it together! They asked the average questions about work and my skill set. They asked me what type of manager I think I am and my reply was<> I would like to think that my mentor trained me well. I have such high standards for the type of people I expect to work under therefore I project that to people under me.
i gg baby crying
I love Hot 97 but damnnn NEW YORK your not the only musically inclined.... can I get some damn diversity from Jim Jones, Jada, 50 (hes still around) Movado and yes I'm sorry but there are other throw back artsits not just Biggie!!! As glad as I am that My Bitch Lady Gaga gets play there are other females out there doing the damn thing!!! Lets go Hot 97 I wanna be able to here ALLL the newest latest not just NY's Newest and Latest
I love Hot 97 but damnnn NEW YORK your not the only musically inclined.... can I get some damn diversity from Jim Jones, Jada, 50 (hes still around) Movado and yes I'm sorry but there are other throw back artsits not just Biggie!!! As glad as I am that My Bitch Lady Gaga gets play there are other females out there doing the damn thing!!! Lets go Hot 97 I wanna be able to here ALLL the newest latest not just NY's Newest and Latest

I want the guy to hold my hand and to hold it tight and close
I want the man who sees me and smiles a big smile because I am ME
I want the man who wants to provide for me but knows I can get my own
The man who appreciates my style but thinks I look amazing in sweat pants
The man I want will support me and my crazy dreams
The man I want is a real man and sleeps next to me
because I am the one he wants to sleep next to not just
because I was the only girl to answer the phone
Most importantly the man I want is the same man I want my friends to find.
Sometimes I wonder why we pick the wrong ones or why we fall trap to them. But as I remind my friends I will always be right there for you to watch you smile and just in case the heart begins to crack I will help mend the pieces. But I can not remind them enough to hold high to your standards and remember what is best for YOU! NO ONE BUT YOU! Constantly I find myself hearing these stories of my friends ( I have done this as well) putting these others infront of themselves. Its great you want to provide and help this person but do what is best for YOU!
I want the man who sees me and smiles a big smile because I am ME
I want the man who wants to provide for me but knows I can get my own
The man who appreciates my style but thinks I look amazing in sweat pants
The man I want will support me and my crazy dreams
The man I want is a real man and sleeps next to me
because I am the one he wants to sleep next to not just
because I was the only girl to answer the phone
Most importantly the man I want is the same man I want my friends to find.
Sometimes I wonder why we pick the wrong ones or why we fall trap to them. But as I remind my friends I will always be right there for you to watch you smile and just in case the heart begins to crack I will help mend the pieces. But I can not remind them enough to hold high to your standards and remember what is best for YOU! NO ONE BUT YOU! Constantly I find myself hearing these stories of my friends ( I have done this as well) putting these others infront of themselves. Its great you want to provide and help this person but do what is best for YOU!
YES!!! The weather was magical today the temp was a fabulous 85 ahhhhh just what the doctor ordered. Now mother nature lets keep it that way. (thank you)
This morning my friend Jennifer asked me a question she asked," how is it Helenas with all the bad and rough shit you got goin on in your life you still remain to be so happy and smile everyday?"
I simply remarked I am blessed. I truly am I have so many great amazing things to smile about. I may be dealing with a cracked heart ( its not broken) But my friends are right here to guide me through it. They listen they advise and they wipe my tears when they fall from my face. I do not feel as though I am wearing a mask to hide my pride. When I smile my big proud smile I am radiant! I do not have the easiest life in the world but I do compared to most. I am dedicated and motivated. I am fabulous and I am in good company!
(I learned from Tish) I do not know who I am yet But I know who I'm not! As we walk through the life journey it is a mystery. We are all filled with mystery and some of it will always remain a mystery. I just smile everyday since my path is the yellow brick road and I am not ever walking it alone!
This morning my friend Jennifer asked me a question she asked," how is it Helenas with all the bad and rough shit you got goin on in your life you still remain to be so happy and smile everyday?"
I simply remarked I am blessed. I truly am I have so many great amazing things to smile about. I may be dealing with a cracked heart ( its not broken) But my friends are right here to guide me through it. They listen they advise and they wipe my tears when they fall from my face. I do not feel as though I am wearing a mask to hide my pride. When I smile my big proud smile I am radiant! I do not have the easiest life in the world but I do compared to most. I am dedicated and motivated. I am fabulous and I am in good company!
(I learned from Tish) I do not know who I am yet But I know who I'm not! As we walk through the life journey it is a mystery. We are all filled with mystery and some of it will always remain a mystery. I just smile everyday since my path is the yellow brick road and I am not ever walking it alone!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
53 and rising
The sun is shinning and I've already received the emails i was awaiting..... Despite the misfortune of my Blow Dryer Blowing up on me!!!! This is going to be a wonderful day and I know that tomorrow brings great fortune!!! i can't wait.....
The weather is warming up and so is my NYC cahpter!!!
I can't stress enough how ultimatly blessed I am and Thankful for my amazing opportunities day in and day out. I'll take the bad even when it seems as I have reached rock bottom because when I am on TOP I AM SOARING THROUGH THE CLOUDS!!!!
The weather is warming up and so is my NYC cahpter!!!
I can't stress enough how ultimatly blessed I am and Thankful for my amazing opportunities day in and day out. I'll take the bad even when it seems as I have reached rock bottom because when I am on TOP I AM SOARING THROUGH THE CLOUDS!!!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
thursday at midnight
I am soo excited tomorrow is pay day!!! I mean I really just want to put some money on my school loans I am so sick and tired of them calling me every morning at 8:15 am exactly without fail. I don't even need to set an alarm for them.
I also have another parking ticket to pay....
Plus its the last decent check im going to see for a hot minute since my hours got cut with a machette
I also have another parking ticket to pay....
Plus its the last decent check im going to see for a hot minute since my hours got cut with a machette
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I absolutely hate the parking game here!!! I mean I get more tickets then a little bit. i have been doing my best to avoid anymore! Its easy now that I don't go to the Bronx anymore cause their apartment is like ticket hell for me. But today I got the most expensive one yet! I got a $115.00 ticket for parking in a saftey zone. BULLSH*T cars park there ALLLL of the time and never get tickets. and I got one today I am sooo sick of this I think since I have Florida plates they try to play me! I paid the other tickets but this one I am fighting I took pictures and everything this is CRAP!!!
NYC stop trying to get rich off of me!!!!
NYC stop trying to get rich off of me!!!!
My Daddy
I hate aging I hate this whole getting older and understanding the world. I prefer to stay in my neieve nest and live things out there. I am scared I am terrified I don't like to think of bad things but the reality is that I want to be prepared for the worst incase it occurs. Its pretty well known fact that my poppa bear is sick. My father is nearing old and well his health isn't getting any younger either. I hate hearing all these stories about people passing and loosing their parents.
Recently my Uncles wifes mother passed leaving a few young children behind with no father. It was so sudden she had a heart attack and died. I hate hate hate hearing things like this. She was young in her late 40's and was a good women Gladis wasn't ready to go yet. I can't imagine how these kids are dealing with the pain. I get so nervous when I call my Dad and he sounds bad it breaks me into a hundred pieces. I walk with it everyday worried and even more worried that Im not spending enough time with him or talking to him enough.
I make it a point when Im home to have lunch with him and spend the afternoon talking and learning more about his amazing life. My father has had the most fulfilling life ever and he's got the craziest stories. I love hearing them! But I don't ever want there to be a day when I can't just call him and ask him how to cook something or how to say something in Spanish. My fathers wife's father just passed last week and well he died alone in his house and no one knew when he passed. I hate when my dad calls and tells me these things. It just freaks me out!!! DAD I LOVE YOU and I NEED you here FOREVER!!!! I can't even stomach the idea of anything happening to him. My dads the most forgiving person I know. He is a true gentleman and he cares about everyone else before himself. I hope the man I marry one day will embody the same gentleman like qualities that my dad has.
Recently my Uncles wifes mother passed leaving a few young children behind with no father. It was so sudden she had a heart attack and died. I hate hate hate hearing things like this. She was young in her late 40's and was a good women Gladis wasn't ready to go yet. I can't imagine how these kids are dealing with the pain. I get so nervous when I call my Dad and he sounds bad it breaks me into a hundred pieces. I walk with it everyday worried and even more worried that Im not spending enough time with him or talking to him enough.
I make it a point when Im home to have lunch with him and spend the afternoon talking and learning more about his amazing life. My father has had the most fulfilling life ever and he's got the craziest stories. I love hearing them! But I don't ever want there to be a day when I can't just call him and ask him how to cook something or how to say something in Spanish. My fathers wife's father just passed last week and well he died alone in his house and no one knew when he passed. I hate when my dad calls and tells me these things. It just freaks me out!!! DAD I LOVE YOU and I NEED you here FOREVER!!!! I can't even stomach the idea of anything happening to him. My dads the most forgiving person I know. He is a true gentleman and he cares about everyone else before himself. I hope the man I marry one day will embody the same gentleman like qualities that my dad has.
day in the life
My NYC life is so simple right now.. I haven't too much to do really I work and that is really it. Its still a little chilly outside and plus Im financially not able to enjoy NYC just yet.... Today was my day off I didn't drive home. I feel a tad bit guilty about not going to see the family but i wanted a DAY OFF. I chilled woke up early went to the Brooklyn Library. I was over whelmed and some guy hit on me while I was in sweat pants called me beautiful so I guess that was nice.
After my roomie made me pancakes then I took a nap for a few hours ahhhhhhh peacefulness for once. When I awoke we went back to Brooklyn and went shopping at Target where we got some house things then visited Angie and Errol. Came home ate again and now Im here!
Ahhhh peaceful day with myself just what I needed after all this being sick and stressing about work.
After my roomie made me pancakes then I took a nap for a few hours ahhhhhhh peacefulness for once. When I awoke we went back to Brooklyn and went shopping at Target where we got some house things then visited Angie and Errol. Came home ate again and now Im here!
Ahhhh peaceful day with myself just what I needed after all this being sick and stressing about work.
Saturday, April 18, 2009
wish list
Its clear I have a lot on my mind but these are some things that I need to purchase in order to keep life flowing
1. A BED!!!! Please I need a Full size bed
2. front tires for my car
3. Rosetta Stone
4. Plane ticket to Miami
5. full length Mirror
6. bed set for my new bed
7. a winning lotto ticket to pay off my school loans
8. insurance to get my wisdom teeth pulled
9. a new outfit to go job hunting in!!!
10. a new outfit to go man hunting in ( bahahahaha)
11. curtians for my room
12. THE BED!!!!!!!!
They are all coming in time slowly and surely I will attain everything on this list
1. A BED!!!! Please I need a Full size bed
2. front tires for my car
3. Rosetta Stone
4. Plane ticket to Miami
5. full length Mirror
6. bed set for my new bed
7. a winning lotto ticket to pay off my school loans
8. insurance to get my wisdom teeth pulled
9. a new outfit to go job hunting in!!!
10. a new outfit to go man hunting in ( bahahahaha)
11. curtians for my room
12. THE BED!!!!!!!!
They are all coming in time slowly and surely I will attain everything on this list
postive & more positive
I am strong minded and determined I know that reason these rough patches occur are because I am able to over come them with a smile and positive outlook. I have always been able to learn and move past these rocky roads and in NY nothing is different. There are times I miss my life in Miami however, it was just as windy and prosperous as New York soon shall become. I may be sick and sick and tired of certain things but this is a dream I'm following and I'm playing the leading role!
Today was a wonderful 80 degree day I of course am still under the weather and tomorrow it will rain UGH! BUT the Summer is coming and so is my new summer body!!!!
Today was a wonderful 80 degree day I of course am still under the weather and tomorrow it will rain UGH! BUT the Summer is coming and so is my new summer body!!!!
More signs
Its the way you choose to read! I sometimes think maybe all these signs I'm getting I am reading wrong or maybe I just want it to be right so I'm believing they are right.... Who knows but what I do know is that today on my 2 mile walk home I read a sign that said I TEACH NYC!!!
I am learning more about these career opportunities in New York City with teaching and I am going to to continue to follow this path. Well at least for right now I need to follow some path because this retail game just went cold on me real quick!
I am learning more about these career opportunities in New York City with teaching and I am going to to continue to follow this path. Well at least for right now I need to follow some path because this retail game just went cold on me real quick!
Thursday, April 16, 2009
I have always had big dreams growing up I wanted to be the first woman president of the United States. Well.... I still have time but till I get there
maybe i can
I do love to teach people and well I don't dislike kids as much as I pretend so I am going to research more about the opportunities here in New York
ahhh the career path will continue until the hunger is satisfied I'm not going to be dissapointed since my first career didn't work the way I expected My first day of college the first thing I learned was that our generation is expected to have complete career changes by the time we retire so this is change numbero 1!!!
maybe i can
I do love to teach people and well I don't dislike kids as much as I pretend so I am going to research more about the opportunities here in New York
ahhh the career path will continue until the hunger is satisfied I'm not going to be dissapointed since my first career didn't work the way I expected My first day of college the first thing I learned was that our generation is expected to have complete career changes by the time we retire so this is change numbero 1!!!
adult hood continues
Well I got the job I had prayed and prayed for! I worked hard for it I deserved it but now that I have it is NOTHING like what I expected or that I want in my life!!!! The job isn't taking me to the next level in any way. I am not learning anything new I am not advancing my career and well the money on top of that isn't even that good!
Money aside though there are not many positives at this job yeah the staff is great the hours are pretty good and I got free clothes but seriously No water cooler, no microwave, no breaks and NO ROOM FOR GROWTH now hours getting cut...... why did they open this store if they didn't want anyone to work for them????
what do i want to do with my life I'm 24 still in my rebirth and now my career path needs a makeover
Money aside though there are not many positives at this job yeah the staff is great the hours are pretty good and I got free clothes but seriously No water cooler, no microwave, no breaks and NO ROOM FOR GROWTH now hours getting cut...... why did they open this store if they didn't want anyone to work for them????
what do i want to do with my life I'm 24 still in my rebirth and now my career path needs a makeover
Sunday, April 12, 2009
a tree in Nyc

The next morning When i was awake the city rained and rained.... there was though a glimer of sunshine on the darkness this tree has blossomed!! The first sign of a new spring and a new begining for both the tree and myself yet again. Another bump in the road another lesson learned.... ahhhhh adult hood... it was so much easier when they had cooties and my parents packed my lunch sent me to school where I say dreamed safely
friday I did it I SPAZZED!!!! I let it all out!!! It should have read danger warning danger warning she is about to BLOW!!!!
Enough was enough I had it bottled in I couldn't take it I sent it through the shock waves from my fingers to his ( its so sad how ppl communicate today) It wasn't the right time the right place and I was in the right dress!!! But I exploded..... It was the last drop of water to fit in my cup of disappointment........
I can't say I felt all that much better but at least its out in open air instead of sufficating my body
Enough was enough I had it bottled in I couldn't take it I sent it through the shock waves from my fingers to his ( its so sad how ppl communicate today) It wasn't the right time the right place and I was in the right dress!!! But I exploded..... It was the last drop of water to fit in my cup of disappointment........
I can't say I felt all that much better but at least its out in open air instead of sufficating my body
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Feeling like the weather on this rainy new york afternoon stuck at work
nothing but water spilling from my eyes
i am strong
But i am human
I have been hurt
nothing but water spilling from my eyes
i am strong
But i am human
I have been hurt
Monday, April 6, 2009
sour dream
I took a risk a chance and a leap when I moved to the big apple. Although no one is ever 100% content with their situation in Miami I was pretty content. So out of fear of being to comfortable and not moving forward I packed up and shipped out! I arrived I have a wonderful APT!!! My place is awesome and Im happy there. The work situation well not so hott...
SLVR is turning out poopie so far to say the least... I love my co- workers but the job is not challenging at all! I feel like I'm at a stand still with it I don't learn anything new and there doesn't appear to be any room for growth at the current moment.
They do not offer benefits to ANYONE unless your the actual store manager and no one can have 40 hours other then the manager! The store isn't generating the sales that they planned so we have no WATER COOLER or Microwave!!! We work 9 hour days then are not allowed to leave the building for breaks... but there is not WATER or MICRO!!! I'm done working for "NEW" companies after JetCard PLus and this Im sticking to well oiled machines from now on.
Im staying positive while I join the search with the other 50,000 unhappy new yorkers who are under paid over worked or without any job.... ( i should be happy i get a pay check)
SLVR is turning out poopie so far to say the least... I love my co- workers but the job is not challenging at all! I feel like I'm at a stand still with it I don't learn anything new and there doesn't appear to be any room for growth at the current moment.
They do not offer benefits to ANYONE unless your the actual store manager and no one can have 40 hours other then the manager! The store isn't generating the sales that they planned so we have no WATER COOLER or Microwave!!! We work 9 hour days then are not allowed to leave the building for breaks... but there is not WATER or MICRO!!! I'm done working for "NEW" companies after JetCard PLus and this Im sticking to well oiled machines from now on.
Im staying positive while I join the search with the other 50,000 unhappy new yorkers who are under paid over worked or without any job.... ( i should be happy i get a pay check)
Friday, April 3, 2009
I had the most enlightening convo this evening with Errol ( my sisters man) and I have to say he not only opened my mind up to myself but took it to another level with how I feel about him and HE took it to another level with his relationship With Angie and I approve.
The man is about to be on blast here but he will be okay;
The man sent her an email explaining the reasons that he loved her and he listed them after proclaiming I don't love you because I have to I love you because of you and I choose too...
He loves her because she is strong, independent, a great mother, an amazing friend, he can be his self around her, she makes him smile, shes a student, hard working, has a HUGE heart, isn't afraid to be her and roll solo... he said it wasn't just because of the baby that he loves her. That he really loves her for her...
The opening sentence brought tears to my eyes i boohooed like a bitch i read it twice. He had no idea i read it when he was offering me advice reminding me of my exuberant energy I should not be wasting on anyone. I listened tonight I listened good and hard. i hear the words and now I will live them. maybe I really am learning
The man is about to be on blast here but he will be okay;
The man sent her an email explaining the reasons that he loved her and he listed them after proclaiming I don't love you because I have to I love you because of you and I choose too...
He loves her because she is strong, independent, a great mother, an amazing friend, he can be his self around her, she makes him smile, shes a student, hard working, has a HUGE heart, isn't afraid to be her and roll solo... he said it wasn't just because of the baby that he loves her. That he really loves her for her...
The opening sentence brought tears to my eyes i boohooed like a bitch i read it twice. He had no idea i read it when he was offering me advice reminding me of my exuberant energy I should not be wasting on anyone. I listened tonight I listened good and hard. i hear the words and now I will live them. maybe I really am learning
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
fashion victim
I am at a loss right now.....
I am preparing for spring in New York I am also preparing for summer. this means I can finally enjoy getting dressed!!! The only problem is I can't seem to pick a style... I can't decide how I should be dressing...... ( i suppose actually using my equinox membership is the first step)
The idea of dressing like Carrie from Sex & the City was out when Cab fair was raised after 1950! There is no way I can wear heels everywhere and take the train. More so since I will fall down the steps.
I can't give up my sneakers and boy shorts its not gonna happen!!! I like color and I love to wears heels and dresses as much as I love sneakers and tees!!! But damn I can't wear sandals around this dirty ass city! and Well heels for pleasure as we discussed are out....
I need some SUGGESTIONS!!! I am tired of looking like I am 16 years old I'm 24 and yes I do have a sense of style but I love to be comfortable!!!! I will keep searching
Hedi Klum said you should never look like you tried to hard even if you did! I don't want to try to hard but I want to look like I DID!
I am preparing for spring in New York I am also preparing for summer. this means I can finally enjoy getting dressed!!! The only problem is I can't seem to pick a style... I can't decide how I should be dressing...... ( i suppose actually using my equinox membership is the first step)
The idea of dressing like Carrie from Sex & the City was out when Cab fair was raised after 1950! There is no way I can wear heels everywhere and take the train. More so since I will fall down the steps.
I can't give up my sneakers and boy shorts its not gonna happen!!! I like color and I love to wears heels and dresses as much as I love sneakers and tees!!! But damn I can't wear sandals around this dirty ass city! and Well heels for pleasure as we discussed are out....
I need some SUGGESTIONS!!! I am tired of looking like I am 16 years old I'm 24 and yes I do have a sense of style but I love to be comfortable!!!! I will keep searching
Hedi Klum said you should never look like you tried to hard even if you did! I don't want to try to hard but I want to look like I DID!
the small treasures
There is this constant struggle to figure out in life what your purpose is and you hope to fulfill everything you dream of before your time card expires. I have been fortunate enough to have made some large check marks on my list of things to do while visiting planet earth. I still have many confusing questions about the future and where I should be at during this point of my life. Like everyone else I sit and day dream all day about different situations and scenarios. I wish for more money a better job a wardrobe that fits the body I wish I had. I wish for that perfect breath taking relationship of unconditional love. I wanna be like the girls in the movies as Ashanti once sang. But as the passing of a friend of a friend has me thinking.
I am so lucky compared to so many and even if I never get that Brooke Burke Body and the J Lo wardrobe. I may never change the world like Obama and well there is always a chance that the only prince charming in my life will be my dad. I can say I have been living a dream for anyone. As Matt's passing made many people stop and remember the shortness of life. When they prepare to hang the Jersey in his honor at his favorite bar it makes me think how lucky we are to meet the people who will forever remember our characters as we pass.
Its challenging to stay positive and greatful in life as there is always more more more! But we live we learn and we can only feel blessed for what we are given
I am so lucky compared to so many and even if I never get that Brooke Burke Body and the J Lo wardrobe. I may never change the world like Obama and well there is always a chance that the only prince charming in my life will be my dad. I can say I have been living a dream for anyone. As Matt's passing made many people stop and remember the shortness of life. When they prepare to hang the Jersey in his honor at his favorite bar it makes me think how lucky we are to meet the people who will forever remember our characters as we pass.
Its challenging to stay positive and greatful in life as there is always more more more! But we live we learn and we can only feel blessed for what we are given
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