Thursday, January 29, 2009
Erikas going away party brought tears to my eyes! as did Marks. These new journeys we are all about to take at once are really positive moves and is also something we can all share together! Lots of people made it out to see Erika and Mark enjoy a few cocktails and mingle! Damn Im gonna miss these kids when we all go seperate ways. But man Im so excited for them and myself!!!! The 2010 is looking so empty as tommorow is our last day the boxes are everywhere and the echos down the hall way mark the end! It was tough to cop with 3 roomies at times but these little bastards are gonna be missed! and so is this amazing weather damn its georgeous outside!!! Im loving it!!!
Well Janruary is over in just a few shorts days and well I wanted to refresh my goals and make sure that things are on track.
2. THE JOB SEARCH SOUNDS PROMISING ( Vikki stopped by and said she personally spoke to the hiring manager and she has my resume and just hasn't contacted anyone yet shes (manager) has been swaped)
2. THE JOB SEARCH SOUNDS PROMISING ( Vikki stopped by and said she personally spoke to the hiring manager and she has my resume and just hasn't contacted anyone yet shes (manager) has been swaped)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
mailed out more stuff donating more stuff damn how much STUFF did I have in that room... maybe a walk in closet was the worst Idea I ever had..... Ive accumuplated so much and my donation box has grown to 3 giant boxes which is great! But damn Im still going Ive given away everything and there is still more!!! The altima is going to have a hefty load on the I95 north!! I still need to sell my furniture why is that soo hard???????????????
Jet Ski action!
Well Sunday turned out to be an amazing day!!! I woke up cranky and decided to grab a couple smoothies and go to the beach and meet up with Diego! I have to say I was surprised to see his family sitting there but afterall it was sunday! The day rocked Football then the JET SKI action came Anthony showed up and we took 3 of the skiis and started jumping the waves behind the boats! I was totally fearless like a 12 year old boy just all up in the action! I really had a blast the water wasn't even cold at all even though it is Jan. and at home it was 22 degrees outside ( perk of Miami i will miss). But damn my body has been sore for 2 days from that amazing afternoon. Ive been moving around like an old lady bruised all up and down the legs but man it was worth it.
The night ended at the SES Newport Pool party!! Rockin good time! I must say the Miamibarblog throws a great party. We arrived late and missed many of the festivities but the comedy had just begun. Everyone was drunk painted and the slipping all over the place! Seemed like a success to me!
all that bitching and i had a wonderful day
The night ended at the SES Newport Pool party!! Rockin good time! I must say the Miamibarblog throws a great party. We arrived late and missed many of the festivities but the comedy had just begun. Everyone was drunk painted and the slipping all over the place! Seemed like a success to me!
all that bitching and i had a wonderful day
Sunday, January 25, 2009
NOrmally I love Sundays Its the day my roommates nad I call family day and after they get out of church we all have a BBQ watch football and hang well this is our last Sunday as roommates and now no one is even speaking. Aren't we past this childish game of being cranky that someone woke you up at 4 in the morning. We have 5 days left together its been occuring for a year and now you want to complain and be miserable about it. Really leaves me very distrought as I had big plans for today and now everyone is being stupid. The funny part is I had nothing to do with the 4 in the morning occurance but its affecting me! Oh well Im just being sassy today cause Im not getting my way and Im emotional about everyone going their seperate ways. SOrry o cry about it just had to get it off my chest since no one is around
Friday, January 23, 2009
4 to 1
its almost the end I have 4 days to finish packing the past 5 years of my life and this place is starting to look empty!! Rob and Feet already have furnished their place and hes got almost everything out of here! Money is awaiting with Q for the last moment Ive shipped boxes but DAMN i have so many things! I have discovered things that I do not know why I still have them. A key ring with keys to Jetnetwork and to the apartment I had a brief stay at with my former heartbreaker! Why did I have these why did I find them? garbage they are as I leave behind all tha negative energy and progress forward. All these pictures of past years people Ill never speak to again decorating my walls! again what for? My closet!! well lets just say I have donated a wardrobe to someone else at this point! Damn did I really need it all or did I keep it cause I had this fabulous huge ass closet??? either way it doesn't fit the new swag and the city I'm going for so off it goes! But damn I can say Im not gonna miss the toilet paper wars! or am I????
Packing all this up brings crazy thoughts to my head about what the hell was I thinking and other thoughts of damn Ive had sooo much fun and truly accomplished so much! Im going to miss this house and this hood! Its insane how im going back home but this feels like Im leaving home. They say home is where the heart it not just your shoes but Then my heart is pretty tore! This week I have to say good bye to some very close friends and let them venture off in their own positive directions! ahhhhhhh
sorry Im always yapping about my move but im so into it!!! It consumes me! and I think its wonderful!!!!
Packing all this up brings crazy thoughts to my head about what the hell was I thinking and other thoughts of damn Ive had sooo much fun and truly accomplished so much! Im going to miss this house and this hood! Its insane how im going back home but this feels like Im leaving home. They say home is where the heart it not just your shoes but Then my heart is pretty tore! This week I have to say good bye to some very close friends and let them venture off in their own positive directions! ahhhhhhh
sorry Im always yapping about my move but im so into it!!! It consumes me! and I think its wonderful!!!!
what a blessing
Today I woke up feeling like 500K not a Million bucks but 500K!! Wed night at the Martini Bar did me in! I had a wonderful time with Erika and Money which I always do! I love those girls. Everyone else bailed out as usual! its okay though I know not everyone has time to get as plaster and spend the entire next day feeling it! Ouch but it was worth it! So after my fabulous roommates and homeboi all aided me back to health today I was feeling the magic!! I sent out an uplifting text to spread the joy and everyone was feeling it! adidas went great I was a superstar in my few short hours! and then finishing the day slaving at the Mohgany grill well lets just say the pay out was well worth it! all and all I had a fabulous one! Not to mention my new amazing hair cut prolly gives me a pep in my step!!! damn Im a lucky one
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
I like to play this game with people and I call it what would you and why... We ask each other silly fantasy questions and answer why you made your decision. It always fun to answer one of my favorite questions is if you could drive a car in a shape of your choice or design what would it be? My answer is an open toe high heel!! The open toe is convertible!! heheheh and my other question I love is what do you wish your secret hidden talent was......
I wish I could breakdance !!! Ive always been so amazed by it since I was younger so I would love to be able to do a headspin or at least a windmill!!! It is a close dream since my friends break and try to teach me but my other secret fantasy is that I was a ninja! I would suit up and do flips off of objects and be extra stealthy!!! My imagination soars as I plot ways to sneak attack my co-works in the fish bowl....... Imagination is meant to wonder
What would your secret talent be????
Monday, January 19, 2009
Mr. President
Well tomorrow is the big day for Obama! He is going to be sworn into Office as our President! it is amazing for me to be at an age to not only have been a part but to completely be able to grasp how momumentous this occassion really is! We live in a country where we are taught that we can be free and open minded and up until now that has been mere hear say! But we are actually living not only the dream of Mr King but the dream that all of us new aged hipsters has been looking forward to! and that is the idea of being equals! Its not a reality that racism is dead and prejudice doesn't exist that is a mear dream still. But with this ingoaration it is a step closer to bridging the gap with our differences! So tomorrow when we all pledge alligence to the flag we are in fact pledging our growth as a country and a scoiety. Moving forward leaps and bounds compared to some of our neighboring countries and offering to stand up and lead by example. It pains me there are still people who will see this as negative and not welcome this new aged politics with open arms But hey we can't win them all! This step is at least a huge step!
even if you never show it
today in my hang with Kea she asked me how I felt initially about the move and I shared my thoughts on all angles of the move. Including the bom bom bom Joseph thoughts. aka Juice Hollar! So many of my friends continually think that he is even in the running as a reason for me to travel to the big apple. I am sorry to disappoint the spectators but not he is not. Yes he will live there and yes the city is big enough for the two of us! But that is my past that was what once was and is not what will be! It is the truth from deep in my body cavity! I AM PAST THAT portion of my life and then Kea shared that it is important to face our greatest fear! If for nothing more then growth! and well that where I am growing through the cracks like a tree in Brooklyn!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
Its a fabulous sunday evening...Im sick AGAIN!!! hating this my head is heavy my throat hurts!!! GRRRRRR ive been taking care of my body why am I sick??? despite that I have to say one of my favorite days of he week is Sunday I get to have my roomies under one roof and football brings us all together. We may not watch the games the same but we are all here feasting together and just enjoying our company! The raiders never had a shot the cowboys went down quick and the giants lost it in the end but we still all gather together and watch the games with equal enthusiam!! I love the family enviroment we all have together and when everyone comes to the house to Bbq and watch with us! I know I know Im a corn ball but Im so blessed with my friends and family and love these boogers!!! MUAH
my worlds crashed
Ive been pretty good at seperating my work life from my home life! Although I am completly in love with both my home life and my work life. Mainly it seprates due to the distance between the beach and North Miami but working at the Aventura store this past week the worlds crashed in a way I never deemed possible! Turns out my friend cuts your hair whos best friends with the guy that manages you where a boy im interested in works at. Thats enough said but I have to say I never would have made such a juvenile decision this late in my life on purpose. I just was so unaware that certain people had any ties together! But its okay Im 24 I can totally own my feelings and I intend upon owning them fearlessly. This is what makes life so ironic
CV sent
its done! today E and I did my resume over and sent it to the Head of hiring for the SLVR brand! She fixed only a few things on my resume mainly elabroating on my adidas position and responsiablities! She was even impressed with how well written my Jetcard Plus portion was. I gave myself a pat on the back!
She sent it and she was so encouraging and has been a fabulous mentor through this process! Lets cross our fingers I get this one guys i really really want it!!! If i was a 5 year old spoiled brat I would jump up and down till they gave it to me! for now Ill sit by the phone awaiting the response!
She sent it and she was so encouraging and has been a fabulous mentor through this process! Lets cross our fingers I get this one guys i really really want it!!! If i was a 5 year old spoiled brat I would jump up and down till they gave it to me! for now Ill sit by the phone awaiting the response!
Wednesday, January 14, 2009
$$$ this universe works in some very crazy ways! My old job just mailed me a paycheck I never recieved... just as I was wondering how my broke self was gonna pay to ship all these boxes! woooo hooooo cashed and deposit!!!!! damn Im a lucky one
not ready for the cold
I just decided to make the biggest move in the dead of winter. And my silly self has refused to believe its going to still be cold when I arrive thus I have bought one jacket and a hoody and contunually purchase open toe heels!!! I dont think Ive accepted that the cold weather will be upon me very shortly! But I have to admit I am loving this Miami weather and like anything else you appreacite more towards the end.
Miami has been my home for the past 5 years!! I have my friends and some family here and now Im ready to hit the I95 north and give it all up! I get nervous sometimes about loosing touch and not having a regualar routine but I can't be scared. There are times here I feel like I have nothing to do and I know lots of people ( doesn't help Im always broke)! So, I need to stop being a sissy its time to shape up ( litterally) and get ready to head north! I can always migrate like the birds and Im not afraid of losing friends I personally do a great job of chasing them down. I stalk all of them via myspace, facebook texts phone calls. Maybe not everyone everyday but I do a damn good job of trying!
Miami has been my home for the past 5 years!! I have my friends and some family here and now Im ready to hit the I95 north and give it all up! I get nervous sometimes about loosing touch and not having a regualar routine but I can't be scared. There are times here I feel like I have nothing to do and I know lots of people ( doesn't help Im always broke)! So, I need to stop being a sissy its time to shape up ( litterally) and get ready to head north! I can always migrate like the birds and Im not afraid of losing friends I personally do a great job of chasing them down. I stalk all of them via myspace, facebook texts phone calls. Maybe not everyone everyday but I do a damn good job of trying!
fingers crossed
last night i worked an over night at the store with my favorite leading lady E! I really love my boss so much. Its safe to say we all have a great deal of respect for her since she instills the fear of god in anyone who is late! Im going to miss that store so much when its all in the past but im so greatful shes been helping me with my future!!! She hasn't sent my resume out for me yet shes still making changes... SO OUR FINGERS are still crossed on the job!
IM going to be positive about this job It should be mine, Im great at what I do .I can manage just fine people listen to me and respond well, I would be like a mini E if you will..... Im passionate about doing well at this and im committed to work... GIVE ME THE JOB!!!! I know I deserve it I have put in two years with this company awaiting my opportunity to grow this is MY STORE!!!! ( sorry my nervousness makes me a lil crazy) and to answer you Tish I think the clothes are going to be the style you have been seeking.... that more sleek grown and sexy look.... but clothes that make sense to wear everyday. It too is hard for me to trade in my top tens and metro attitudes for high heels on a regular basis. But Im ready for a major swagga swap when I get the to big apple!
IM going to be positive about this job It should be mine, Im great at what I do .I can manage just fine people listen to me and respond well, I would be like a mini E if you will..... Im passionate about doing well at this and im committed to work... GIVE ME THE JOB!!!! I know I deserve it I have put in two years with this company awaiting my opportunity to grow this is MY STORE!!!! ( sorry my nervousness makes me a lil crazy) and to answer you Tish I think the clothes are going to be the style you have been seeking.... that more sleek grown and sexy look.... but clothes that make sense to wear everyday. It too is hard for me to trade in my top tens and metro attitudes for high heels on a regular basis. But Im ready for a major swagga swap when I get the to big apple!
Saturday, January 10, 2009
adidas SLVR

found this on my hopefully new job! Im really hoping this follows through for me!
According to WWD, adidas is launching a new line and retail concept for spring. The adidas SLVR collection “will include sportswear (not performance activewear), accessories and footwear for women and men. The line will be introduced in February during New York Fashion Week with its first stand-alone store in SoHo, and a second store will open in Paris during fashion week there. Two more stand-alone stores in Los Angeles and Miami will bow during the first quarter of 2009. Each store will be between 1,000 and 1,500 square feet, and fashion week events to fete the New York and Paris shows are expected. Additionally, in Paris and Beijing, SLVR will be sold at the new Adidas Brand Centres, and in Moscow and Berlin, the collection will be sold in existing Sport Performance Centre stores. E-commerce will also launch in February.”
The collection was created for the customer in between adidas Originals and Y-3 and “consists of simple black, white and the signature gunmetal gray pieces, accented with solid-colored items in maroon, orange and blue. T-shirts, with designed details but simple concepts, and nylon jackets are key items in the “pure” collection.” As everyone is talking about going green, this line also encapsulates eco-concious aspects like using materials that are sustainable organic cotton and soybean fabric including the “zero waste T” which is made of one piece of fabric cut just once and sewn wiht a single seam and the “seven-piece shoe” made with seven pieces stitched together. The line will retail from $45 to $190
The collection was created for the customer in between adidas Originals and Y-3 and “consists of simple black, white and the signature gunmetal gray pieces, accented with solid-colored items in maroon, orange and blue. T-shirts, with designed details but simple concepts, and nylon jackets are key items in the “pure” collection.” As everyone is talking about going green, this line also encapsulates eco-concious aspects like using materials that are sustainable organic cotton and soybean fabric including the “zero waste T” which is made of one piece of fabric cut just once and sewn wiht a single seam and the “seven-piece shoe” made with seven pieces stitched together. The line will retail from $45 to $190
new location

Ive come along way in this 2 years that I've been involved with the company and I have to say Im pleased with where I am for the most part! Lets cross our fingers everything goes through with my hopes of managing at the new SLVR store opening in SOHO in FEB!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
thoughts on my move
heart racing
memories to miss
recessin free
sighhhhh of relief
heart racing
memories to miss
recessin free
sighhhhh of relief
It makes me smile knowing that everyone is on the forward track and sticking tight to the plans they made. The girls have returned and the sun is shinning bright on the plastic city. Sometimes I get nervous about my big move and most of the time I just can't wait. Everyday everyone brings it up and have mostly negative responses!!! Please just be excited and motive me for my new journey!! My boss has been a huge aide in the job search I don't think I can thank her enough for her patience and dedicated effort.
IM READY!!!!! I will miss all of my friends and the routine we have created together but Im so ready to explore some new turf! EzE is back and ready for the CHI!! her eyes light up everytime we discusss our moves and Im glad someone else can feel my everythought!!!
IM READY!!!!! I will miss all of my friends and the routine we have created together but Im so ready to explore some new turf! EzE is back and ready for the CHI!! her eyes light up everytime we discusss our moves and Im glad someone else can feel my everythought!!!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
The holidays also mean everyone reporting back to their homeland. For me it normally PA but this year i celebrated with my uncles here in the sun! Money is a Jersey girl all the way and as soon as class lets out shes out! I always have Eze she's born and raised inthe county of Dade. Her Heather and Sara I think are the only ones. The rest of us are trespassers claming the 305 as our own. But not Miss Eze is going to be making her way to the CHI!!! YOU GO GIRL!
Im so happy for her shes feeling right now what anyone would want to feel excited in love adventours and ready to take on the world. EzE is in L-O-V-E!!!! Shes found her gummy yummy squishy bear as she calls MattAttack! She has found the someone who makes her smile and light up the room. She feels safe in his arms as though nothing can hurt her. She has felt the pain of heart break but hes the glue piecing it back together. She has been confused about her future and hes making it more clear. Opening her world like the spring flowers in April. Slowly but surely he's replaced her routine for adventure in a new city. She is leaving our paradise to go to her new oasis. It may not be tropical but the snow will melt the flowers will bloom and she will change interally the way the leaves will in October. She has traded in her lifestime supply of tanning oil and $5 old Navy flip flops for her scarf and ugz because in 3 weeks when Im enjoying 70 degree weather she will be watching 7 inches of snow fall! Im so Proud of her decision to move since Matt isnt the reason hes the way! Hes the scapegoat out of Miami and her love for him is the ticket. I'm feeling her anxiousness for the new city and I too am ready to bounce. But for EzE shes living where all Princesses live on a cloud in a castle! congrats
Im so happy for her shes feeling right now what anyone would want to feel excited in love adventours and ready to take on the world. EzE is in L-O-V-E!!!! Shes found her gummy yummy squishy bear as she calls MattAttack! She has found the someone who makes her smile and light up the room. She feels safe in his arms as though nothing can hurt her. She has felt the pain of heart break but hes the glue piecing it back together. She has been confused about her future and hes making it more clear. Opening her world like the spring flowers in April. Slowly but surely he's replaced her routine for adventure in a new city. She is leaving our paradise to go to her new oasis. It may not be tropical but the snow will melt the flowers will bloom and she will change interally the way the leaves will in October. She has traded in her lifestime supply of tanning oil and $5 old Navy flip flops for her scarf and ugz because in 3 weeks when Im enjoying 70 degree weather she will be watching 7 inches of snow fall! Im so Proud of her decision to move since Matt isnt the reason hes the way! Hes the scapegoat out of Miami and her love for him is the ticket. I'm feeling her anxiousness for the new city and I too am ready to bounce. But for EzE shes living where all Princesses live on a cloud in a castle! congrats
positive vibes
The positive vibes are really flowing in the air these days! Most people seem to be in great moods with the world at their fingertips. Maybe we should consider changing the calender year to last only 6 months so this positive rebirth can occur more often. At least in the north east the seasons changing leave room for spring fever sumer loving and fall fashion. Miami seems to have the ever lasting summer. Maybe people are moody since all year long they need to have their sculpted beach bodies. I know how exhausting it can be I gave it up lol! I love the smiles and I love the new inspiration we all seem to have been struck with! Love 09 today tommorow and in June ahahha
Thursday, January 1, 2009
following Tish's lead
Rules:Link to the person who tagged you.Post the rules on your blog.Write six random things about yourself.Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Six random things about me:
Six random things about me:
- I love the have my heart straight and blow in the wind... blow dryer fan car all forms of the wind But the zinger is I like to pretend Im preforming
- I love cleaning my ears with only Qtip brand Qtips all other brands are not allowed inside
- I only like cotton socks and underware
- I want to live in the play boy mansion( i think the whole chef thing and all those themed parties seem like fun) I want to wear my clothes though
- i try to speak spanish to myself when noone is around and in the shower pretend to have conversations with people
- I always work ot harder when I go with a friend the inner competition keeps me more physical
People for tagging are as follows Katie, Kea when you find your blog, erika and AL fresh
2009 baby!!!
So its finally here we have all been awaiting the new year! Why though? why do we need to await a NEW year for a NEW begining??? Tonight at poety someone said please don't have resolutions have a plan! I thought it was the truth well spoken! We all constantly make excuses for out laziness Im afraid to admit I'm the worst. Any excuse to not work out or eat properly go to the bank and so forth Im in. So this year Im creating a plan;
- Move out of Miami and not feel like Im missing anything
- Learn to speak spanish (quickly Panama is in a few weeks)
- make it to puerto rico at least once for a family trip
- read a few books one of them about Puerto Rico and learn more about my culture
- write and express my thoughts on paper and out loud to people
- Remind everyone how import they are
- Be more involved with my family
- READ MORE LEARN MORE the world is big and busy be more intune
- Be healthy and active start working out and eating properly
- Id like to start yoga again
- maybe take a dance class
- Figure out what school I want to get my masters at
- give more to charity stop hording things ill never wear again or grew out of
- Pay my bills better IE school loans
Those are a few things I need to spend the next few months working on. You need to lay the foundation before you build the house. stay tune for more of my plan. 2008 was a rough year started with a broken foot but I prevailed as usual! discover that some of my strengths are weakness that were holding me back. IM ready to unleash now. I got my degree took a few months off from thr corporate life just relaxed in the sun and now Im a little more ready to go in for the real thing. I know there are always going to be ups and downs it doesn't matter if its 2008 or 2009 or 10! BE INCHARGE OF YOUR LIFE AND THE REST WILL FALL IN PLACE
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